One can give it you, but if you have you can be taught how to use it. I tell you

you've got the makings of a great actress. I've never been so sure of anything

in my life."

"I know I want experience. I'd have to think it over of course. I wouldn't

mind coming to you for a season."

"Go to hell. Do you think I can make an actress of you in a season? Do you

think I'm going to work my guts out to make you give a few decent

Performances and then have you go away to play some twopenny-halfpenny

part in a commercial play in London? What sort of a bloody fool do you take

me for? I'll give you a three years' contract, I'll give you eight pounds a week

and you'll have to work like a horse."

"Eight pounds a week's absurd (восемь фунтов в неделю — это абсурд). I

couldn't possibly take that (я никак не могу согласиться на это: «взять это»)."

"Oh yes, you could (о, да, ты можешь). It's all you're worth (это все, что ты

стоишь) and it's all you're going to get (и это все, что ты получишь)."

Julia had been on the stage for three years (Джулия /к тому моменту уже/ была

на сцене три года) and had learnt a good deal (и многому научилась; deal —

разг. большое количество, масса, куча, ворох). Besides, Jane Taitbout, no strict

moralist (кроме того, Жанна Тэбу, /сама/ не строгих моральных правил; strict

— строгий, точный, требовательный; moralist — моралист,

добродетельный человек), had given her a lot of useful information

One can give it you, but if you have you can be taught how to use it. I tell you - One can give it you, but if you have you can be taught how to use it. I tell you - One can give it you, but if you have you can be taught how to use it. I tell you - One can give it you, but if you have you can be taught how to use it. I tell you - One can give it you, but if you have you can be taught how to use it. I tell you - One can give it you, but if you have you can be taught how to use it. I tell you - One can give it you, but if you have you can be taught how to use it. I tell you - One can give it you, but if you have you can be taught how to use it. I tell you - One can give it you, but if you have you can be taught how to use it. I tell you - One can give it you, but if you have you can be taught how to use it. I tell you - One can give it you, but if you have you can be taught how to use it. I tell you - One can give it you, but if you have you can be taught how to use it. I tell you -

(предоставила: «дала» ей много полезной информации).

"And are you under the impression (не полагаете ли вы; to be under the

impression — полагать, думать, быть под впечатлением) by any chance

(случайно), that for that (что за это) I'm going to let you sleep with me (я

позволю: «собираюсь позволить» вам спать со мной) as well (с таким же


absurd [qb'sq:d] moralist ['mOrqlIst] useful ['ju:sf(q)l]

"Eight pounds a week's absurd. I couldn't possibly take that."

"Oh yes, you could. It's all you're worth and it's all you're going to get."

Julia had been on the stage for three years and had learnt a good deal.

Besides, Jane Taitbout, no strict moralist, had given her a lot of useful


"And are you under the impression by any chance, that for that I'm going to

let you sleep with me as well?"

"My God (Бог мой), do you think (неужели ты думаешь), I've got time (что у

меня есть время) to go to bed with the members of my company (отправляться в

постель с членами моей труппы)? I've got much more important things to do (у

меня есть куча куда более важных дел, /которые надо/ сделать) than that, my

girl (чем это, моя девочка). And you'll find (и ты обнаружишь) that after you've

rehearsed for four hours (что после /того, как/ ты репетировала четыре часа)

and played a part at night to my satisfaction (и сыграла /свою/ роль вечером:

«ночью» к моему удовлетворению), besides a couple of matinees (и это

вдобавок к парочке дневных спектаклей; couple — пара, парные предметы),

you won't have much time (у тебя не останется много времени) or much

inclination (или много желания; inclination — наклонение, наклон, склонность,

предрасположенность) to make love to anybody (заниматься с кем-нибудь

One can give it you, but if you have you can be taught how to use it. I tell you - One can give it you, but if you have you can be taught how to use it. I tell you - One can give it you, but if you have you can be taught how to use it. I tell you - One can give it you, but if you have you can be taught how to use it. I tell you - One can give it you, but if you have you can be taught how to use it. I tell you - One can give it you, but if you have you can be taught how to use it. I tell you - One can give it you, but if you have you can be taught how to use it. I tell you - One can give it you, but if you have you can be taught how to use it. I tell you - One can give it you, but if you have you can be taught how to use it. I tell you - One can give it you, but if you have you can be taught how to use it. I tell you - One can give it you, but if you have you can be taught how to use it. I tell you - One can give it you, but if you have you can be taught how to use it. I tell you - One can give it you, but if you have you can be taught how to use it. I tell you - One can give it you, but if you have you can be taught how to use it. I tell you - One can give it you, but if you have you can be taught how to use it. I tell you - One can give it you, but if you have you can be taught how to use it. I tell you - One can give it you, but if you have you can be taught how to use it. I tell you -

любовью). When you go to bed (когда ты отправишься в постель) all you'll

want to do (все, что ты захочешь сделать) is to sleep (так это поспать)."

But Jimmie Langton was wrong there (но Джимми Лэнгтон ошибся: «был

неправ в этом»; wrong — неправильный, неверный, ошибочный).

couple ['kAp(q)l] matinee ['mxtIneI] inclination ["InklI'neIS(q)n]

"My God, do you think I've got time to go to bed with the members of my

company? I've got much more important things to do than that, my girl. And

you'll find that after you've rehearsed for four hours and played a part at

night to my satisfaction, besides a couple of matinees, you won't have much

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