Unit 2 clarifying the proposals

Vocabulary Tasks

Task I.Define the meaning ofthe following words and expressions,
translate them into Russian:

1. breakdown facilities

2. budget overruns *

3. conflict of interest *

4. continuity

5. exploratory session *

6. in normal circumstances

7. let’s get down to business

8. peripheral costs

9. procurement program

10. relevant

11. running costs

12. scope

13. to carry out

14. to envisage

15. to foresee

16. to give smb full scope for smth

17. to have no say in smth

18. to make allowances

19. to write off

20. token fee (nominal fee)

* definitions are available in the glossary

Task II. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. First of all, can I say that we see this only as an exploratory session, Mr. Hamilton?

2. There are two main areas we’d like to clarify this morning.

3. How many centres do you envisage and what will be their capacity?

4. Our present estimates put it (the total investment) at £41 million for the VS10 and £70 million for the HHS.

5. They include all further R&D expenditure, plant and working capital costs, plus launch expenses.

6. Have you carried out any cash flow forecasts for this project?

7. If you‘d like to look at this chart, gentlemen, I’ll run you through our projections.

8. To sum up, we see a break-even for the full global joint venture in Year 4 followed by two years of high returns in the HHS sector.

9. Have you made any allowances in these projections for the usual delays and budget overruns in such projects?

10. We are confident we can reach both the VS10 and the HHS targets. Let me tell you, we’ve done our homework on this.

11. What we’ll be willing to do here is write off your R&D investment against a token fee to the joint venture.

12. Responsibility for promotion is not within the scope of the department of R&D.

Task III. Translate the sentences into English:

1. Прежде чем подписать соглашение о нашем участии в программе по поставке оборудования, мы должны предвидеть и предупредить конфликт интересов, который неизбежно возникнет, если мы не обозначим одну и ту же территорию как сферу основного развития бизнеса.

2. Я считаю, что, следуя политике взаимных уступок, мы можем сделать большие скидки на ремонтное оборудование нашим партнерам или даже продать его по номинальной цене.

3. Я нахожу замечание господина Н. вполне уместным.

4. Неужели вы действительно думаете, что можно покрыть такое превышение бюджета, пытаясь уменьшить второстепенные расходы?

5. До начала презентации председатель передал слово директору отдела исследований и развития, который дал нам полное представление о продукции и от имени всей компании пригласил нас на такую же выставку в следующем году.

6. Господин Хайтауэр, я думаю, вы прекрасно понимаете, что вы совсем не разбираетесь в бизнесе, а только обеспечиваете преемственность традиции, по которой ваша семья всегда владела основным пакетом акций. Поэтому Совет директоров решил, что вы не будете иметь права голоса на предварительной стадии переговоров.

7. Мы бы хотели рассмотреть этот вопрос на предварительных встречах.

8. Перерасход бюджета в этом месяце составил 1,6 % и мы предполагаем, что в следующем месяце эта цифра увеличится.

9. Если они не спишут нам наши долги, мы попадем в крайне затруднительное положение.

10. Запуск нового продукта неизменно приведет к увеличению текущих расходов.

11. Никто не мог предположить, что весь совет директоров будет заменен на новый.

12. Компания должна ускорить программу обновления ассортимента.

Task IV. Make up your own sentences using the vocabulary of the unit.

Video Tasks

Task I. Answer the questions:

1. Which two main areas does Yasukawa wish to clarify?

2. What is the total investment needed for the HHS and the VS10?

3. What does the investment include?

4. What is Highsmith’s role in this session?

5. Who will own the basic patents?

6. Why is Yasukawa worried about Visitron’s position on patents and R&D?

Task II. Listen and fill in the gaps with the right words:

Yasukawa tries to ………….. Visitron’s ……………. in a polite and diplomatic manner. Hamilton ……………… carefully and tactfully. Highsmith gives a short formal presentation of the ……. ………. forecasts and is then questioned by Yasukawa. Paker ……………… to support Highsmith during the questioning. When Yasukawa move on to the question of …………… and …………….., Hamilton tries to ……………….. him in an area of ……………………. ………………………. for Kamakura.

Task III. Study the proposed global joint venture cumulative cashflow forecast and answer the questions:

Unit 2 clarifying the proposals - student2.ru

1. What is meant by cumulative cash flow?

2. What is maximum negative cash flow?

3. When is the proposed launch of the VS10 in world markets?

4. When is the projected joint venture break-even point?

5. What are the forecast returns for the joint venture at the end of Year 5?

Communication Tasks

Task I.Translate the following expressions into Russian, memorise them:

2.1 Defining the meaning (Make sure the other side knows what is going to be discussed)

We’d like to see this as a preliminary discussion.

We’d like to restrict this meeting to a discussion of…

We’d like to see this as the final negotiating session.


2.2 Putting forward possibilities (In the creative phase of the negotiations, talk about possibilities rather than targets)

We envisage…

We foresee…

We are talking about…


2.3 Clarifying (Make sure everyone knows exactly what is being proposed at every stage of the negotiation)

Could you clarify one point to me, please?

I’m not sure that I fully understand.

I’m sorry, but I want to get this quite clear.

What exactly do you mean by…?


2.4 Defining a proposal (Say what your proposal includes and what it does not include)

It involves…

It covers…

It excludes…

It doesn’t cover…

It leaves out…


2.5 Widening the discussion (Broaden the discussion smoothly to associated topics)

Can we go on from here to talk about…

Well, this leads us on to the subject of…

Could we now turn our attention to the matter of…


2.6 Asking for an explanation (There is no loss of face involved in saying that you do not understand something)

Excuse me, could you explain that?

I’m afraid I don’t follow you.

I’m sorry, I’m not with you.


2.7 Reassuring (Take every opportunity to calm the other side’s anxieties)

Please let me put your mind at rest on this.

You have no need to worry about this.

Don’t worry. We’ve taken care of…


Task II. Write your variants of continuing the phrases.

Task III. Find in the unit phrases, illustrating the above-mentioned steps.

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