Nearest or next; older or elder oldest or eldest.

1. This is the ... bank to our house. Take a taxi to get there.

2. The ... railway station is two miles from here.

3. He walked off without ... ceremony.

4. He is the ... member of the School Committee.

5. I prefer the ... preposition to the former.

6. Is there no ... news than the last week's?

7. The nephew is ... than his uncle.

8. No ... reasons were given.

9. She is the ... of the two sisters.

10. ... discussion will be useless.

11. What is ... theatre in London?

12. How long does it take you to get to the ... river?

15. Supply the proper degree of comparison.

1. Trust the man who hesitates in his speech and is (quick) and (steady) in actions.

2. The (little) men think the (much) they talk.

3. Prevention is (good) than cure. The public is (good) judge.

4. It is good to be clever, but it is (good) to be indus­trious.

5. Some people have (much) money than brains.

6. Australia is (large) island in the world.

7. He would (soon) die than tell a lie.

8. The Times is one of (powerful) newspapers in England.

9. "What is (good) film you've ever seen?" - "I've seen so many good films that I can't say which one is (good)".

10. We had a great holiday. It was one of (great) holi­days we have ever had.

11. The hotel we stayed at was (cheap) than all the others in the town.

12. Everest is ... mountain in the world. It is ... than any other mountain (high).

13. What's (quick) way of getting from here to the sta­tion?

14. It was an awful day. It was (bad) day in my life.

15. "Are you (old) in your family?" — "No, I'm (young) in our family".

16. Why do you always come to see me at (bad) possi­ble moment?

17. I spent (little) money than you but I spent (much) than my mother did.

18. There are (few) people at this match than at the last one.

19. Now her hair isn't as (long) as it used to be.

20. The Nile is (long) river in the world at 6. 741 kilo­metres - slightly (long) than the Amazon, which is the second (long) at 6. 440 kilometres.

21. The (big) city in the world is Tokyo-Yokohama with a population of about 28,5 million.

16. Use the adjectives in the proper degree.

1. Spring is a very busy time. It is (busy) time in the year.

2. That was (boring) film I've ever seen.

3. There wasn't as (much) snow in the fields as in the forests.

4. She is a really nice person - one of (nice) people I know.

5. The (much) snow you have in winder, the (good) crop you have in summer.

6. The weather in November is not so (cold) as in De­cember but it's (cold) than in October.

7. No park in London is as (popular) as Hyde Park.

8. One of (famous) places of interest in London is St. Paul's Cathedral.

9. A tram is not so (quick) as a bus. It's one of (slow) means of transport.

10. The film is (interesting) than the book.

11. Apples are not so (expensive) as oranges, and they are (cheap) than pears.

12. He is not so (bad) as you think, but, perhaps, he is (bad) than she is.

13. My sister is (economical) than I am, but she isn't as (economical) as our mother.

14. The river was not so (shallow) as we expected. It was one of (deep) rivers in the area.

15. "Your mother was (intelligent) and (little) naive than you are", my grandmother used to say.

16. One of (narrow) streets in the world is St. John's Lane, in Rome: it is 49 sm. wide but there is a street in Cromwell, England, that is even (narrow): it is 48 sm. (wide) in its (narrow) point.

17. Legends of (large) water-creatures in Loch Ness, an immensely (deep) lake in the north-eastern High­lands of Scotland, go back much (far) than 1993, when a motorist saw a (tremendous) upheaval in the loch.

18. Scientists have seriously suggested that (large) creatures may have been stranded in the (deep) wa­ters of the loch when 60 million years ago it was cut off from the sea.

19. The (near) cinema is (far) from here than the (near) theatre.

20. (High and low, rich and poor, wise and foolish) people, all have the right to be happy.

21. The (young) you are, the (easy) it is to learn. The (early) your start, the (much) you reach.

17. Fill the gap with the correct adjective.

1. I couldn't work out who the letter was from. The signature was ....

I know Shakespeare is very popular but I find him totally ....

Unreadable illegible

2. Sarah is so .... She is always having temper tantrums.

It was wonderful to watch the tiny lambs playing, I got such ... pleasure from the ex­perience.

Childish childlike

3. Sophie is extremely ... at the moment. Any­thing you say seems to upset her.

Karen is not a very ... person. She wore high-heeled shoes for our four-mile walk.

Sensible sensitive

4. I've never known her to tell a lie. She is a very ... person.

I can never watch sad films that are based on a ... story. They always make me cry.

True truthful

5. Susan is so ... of other. She never accepts any­one else's opinion, and she always thinks she knows best.

I find Mark's behaviour ... .It's unfair to be so selfish.

Intolerable intolerant

6. We are having an ... crisis at the moment. James has lost his job and I don't know how we are going to pay the mortgage.

It's more ... to drive slowly. You can do a lot of more miles to the gallon.

Economic economical

6. The result was a ... disappointment to us, though the lawyer outlined a ... defence.




18. Complete the following conversations, using a synonym to avoid repeating words: handsome, modern, messy, marvelous, wealthy, generous, annoyed.

Model: "It's a lovely day today". - "Yes, it's really beautiful".

1. "Mary's family is rich". - "Well, I know her par­ents were ... ".

2. "Look at the new buildings!" - "Yes, the city ... much more than I expected".

3. "Her boyfriend is really good-looking". - "Yes, he is certainly one of the most ... men in out college".

4. "Derek doesn't earn much money but he is so kind". - "I know. He is very ... to both his family and his friends".

5. "Was your mother angry when you told her every­thing?" - "Yes, she looked really ... ".

6. "His room is really untidy again!" - "Is it? I told him it was ... yesterday, and he promised to clean it".

7. "Wasn't the film wonderful?" - "Yes, it was

19. Read and retell the text making use of all the adjectives you come across in it.

My Aunt Susan

Of all my relatives, I like my aunt Susan the best. She is m> mother's youngest sister. She has never married, and she lives alone in a small village near Bath. She is in her late fiftieth, but she's still quite young in spirit. She has a kind face and when you meet her, the first thing you notice is her lovely warm smile. Her face is a little wrinkled now, but I think she is still rather attractive.

She is the sort of person you can always go to if you have a problem. She likes reading and gardening and she goes for long walks over the hills with her dog, Buster. She's a very active person. Either she is making something or mending something, or doing something to help others. She does the shopping for some of the old people in the village. She's extremely generous, but not very tolerant with people who don't agree with her.

I hope that I'll be as happy and contented as she is when I'm her age.

20. Choose a tactful way to describe someone by using not very + opposite adjective instead of adjectives given in column a).

a) intolerant b) not very polite

rude not very tolerant

ugly not very interesting

boring not very generous/kind

cruel not very pretty/handsome/beautiful

mean attractive/good looking

stupid not very clever/intelligent

Task: Describe the appearance and character of your friend/relative.

21. Complete the following conversations.

I. What is/are ... like? (For general description of people, place or things.)

Model: a) What's London like?

- Oh, it's big and noisy, with a lot of parks,

b) What's your friend like?

- She is very nice, intelligent and pretty.

1) A.: I've got anew car.

В.: Oh, really? What is it like?

A.: Well, it's faster than my old one, though it isn't as economical, but ....

2) A.: I moved in a new house last week.

В.: Oh, really? What's the house like?

A.: Well, ....

3) A.: You know I met a very nice girl/boy last night.

В.: Oh really? What's she/he like?

A.: Well, ....

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