Комментарии ктрудам Шантидеры

Бодхичарья-аватара Обозначения:

Р. — Peking edition of the Tibetan Tripifaka (см. также Tokyo-Kyoto: Suzuk Research Foundation, 1956, которое является переизданием Peking edition).

С. — Alaka Chattopadhyaya. Catalogue of Kanjur and Tanjur. Calcutta: Indo-Tibeter

Studies, 1972.

T.— Tarthang Tulku. Guide to the Nyingma Edition of the sDe.dge bKa'-'gyur/ bsTan. 'gyur. Berkley: Dharma Publishing, 1980.

Bodhisattvacarydvatdra-bhdfhya. Dtpamkarajnlna. C. mdo XXVII 5.21 Oa: 5-223b:2. BoJhisattvacaryavatara-pTa)fiapar\ccheda-parifiamam-pafijM (Byang chub sems dpa 'i spyod pa la 'jug pa '/shcs rab le'u dang bsngo ba'i dka' 'grel). Автор неизвестен.

Т. 3877.

Byang chub kyi spyod pa la 'jug pa'i dka' 'grel (BodhicarySvatfira-paftjikS). PrajftSkaramati (Shesrab 'byung gnas bio gros). P. 5273. Vol. 100. T. 3872. Byang chub sems dpa 7 spyod pa la 'jug pa 'i rnam par bshad pa 7 bka' 'grel (Bodhicarydvatdra-vivfiti-panjikd), девять глав. Ksishftapa. P. 5274. Vol. 100. T. 3873.

Byang chub sems dpa 'i spyod pa la 'jug pa 'i legs par sbyar ba (Bodhicarydvatdra-

samskdra), десять глав. Kalyfiftadeva. P. 5275. Vol. 100. T. 3874.

Byang chub sems dpa 'i spyod pa la 'jug pa 'i rtogs par dka' ba 'i gnas gtan la dbab pa zhes bya ba'i gzhung (Bodhicarydvatdra-duravabodha [pada] nirnayandma-

grantha). Ksishftapa, alias KSlapa/Nagphowa. P. 5276. Vol. 100. T. 3875.

Byang chub sems dpa 'i spyod pa la 'jug pa 'i dka' 'grel (Bodhicarydvatdra-panjikd).

Vairochanarakshita of Vikramashila. P. 5277. Vol. 100. T. 3875A.

Byang chub sems dpa'i spyod pa la 'jug pa'i rnam par bshad pa

(Bodhicarydvatdravivfiti), комментарий к IX—X главам. Автор неизвестен,

возможно, DSnashiJIa. P. 5279, Vol. 100.

Byang chub sems dpa 'i spyod pa la 'jug pa 7 don sum cu rtsa drug bsdus pa (Sodhisallvacarydvaldra-fhaflrimshai-pinddrtha). Dharmapila (gser gling bla ma chos skyong). P. 5280. Vol. 100, X 3878.

Byang chub sems dpa'/' spyod pa la 'jug pa 'i don bsdus pa (Bodhisattvacarydvatdra-pinddrtha). Dharmapaia (gser gling bla ma chos skyong). P. 5281. Vol. 100, T. 3879. Byang chub kyi spyodpa la 'jug pa 'i dgons pa 'i 'grel pa khyadpar gsal byed ces bya ba (Bodhicarydvatdra-tdtparya-pahjikd-visheshadyotani-ndma), комментарий к десяти главам. Vibhdtichandra. P. 5282. Vol 100, Т. 3880.

Byang chub sems dpa 'i spyod pa la 'jug pa'/' mdo cam gdams ngag tu byas pa (Bodhisattvacaryd-sutrl-kfitdvdda). DipamkarajAfina (dpal mar me mjad ye shes). P 5348. Vol. 103.

Byang chub sems dpa spyod pa bsdus pa 'i sgron ma rin po che 'i phreng ba. (Bodhisattvacary§vatira-[samgraha]-pradtpa-ratnam§li). Dhlrmika-subh0tighosha Mdo XXX 31.389b:l-395a:4. T. 3936.

Gyatso K. 1989. Meaningful to Behold. A Commentary to Shantideva's Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life. London: Tharpa Publications.

Gyatso, Tenzin, the Fourteenth Dalai Lama. 1994. A Flash of Lightning in the Dark of Night: A Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life. Translated from the Tibetan by the Padmakara Translation Group. Boston, London: Shambhala.

Ishida Ch. 1988. Some New Remarks on the Bodhicaryflvatara Chap. V. Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies 37. № 1».

Kajihara M. 1992. On the Parifidmand Chapter of the Bodhicarydvatdra. Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies 40. № 20.

Kunzang Palden. 1982. Commentary on Bodhicarydvatdra: Byang chub sems dpa'i spyodpa la 'jug pa 'i tsig 'grel 'jam dbyang bla ma 'i zhal lung bdud rtsi 'i thig pa. Текст издан Zenkar Rinpoche, Thubten Nyima, of the Sichuan People's Publishing House, Chengtu, China; см. также vol. 1 of Collected works ofmkhan-po kun-bzang dpal-ldan, опубликованный Lama Ngo'drup для Kyabje Dllgo Khyentse Rinpoche, Paro, Bhutan.

La Vallie Poussin, Louis de. 1901-14. Prajndkaramati's Commentary to the Bodhicarydvatdra of Sdntideva, Edited with Indices. Calcutta: Asiatic Society of Bengal.

Minyak Kunzang Sflnam. 1990. Commentary on the Wisdom Chapter of Bodhi­carydvatdra: spyod 'jug shes rab le 'u gzhung 'grel zab mo rten 'byung gi de kho na nyidyang gsel sgron me. Great Printing Press of Derge, Tibet, and Bod kyi shes rigs dpar khang, Beijing.

mKhan po kun bzang dpal Idan. 1982. Byang chub sems dpa 'i spyod pa la 'jug pa 'i tshig 'grel 'jam dbyangs bla ma'i zhal lung bdud rtsi'i thig pa. Paro, Bhutan: Kyichu Temple.

rGyal tshab dar ma rin chen. 1973. sPyod 'jug rnam bshad rgyal sras 'jug ngogs. Varanasi: mThog slob dge Idan spyi las khang.

Saito, Akira. 1993. «A Study of Aksayamati (= Sdntideva)'s Bodhisattvacarydvatdra as Found in the Tibetan Manuscripts from Tunhuang». A Report of the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C.) Mie, Japan.

Saito, Akira. 1994. «On the Difference between the Earlier and the Current Versions of £antideva's Bodhi(sattva)carydvatdra, with Special Reference to Chap. 9 (/8) Entitled: Perfection of Wisdom (prajndpdramitd)». Research paper presented at IXth World Sanskrit Conference held on 9"1 to I5'h January 1994 in Melbourne, Australia.

Sangharakshita. The Endlessly Fascinating Cry. A Commentary to Sdntideva's


Shes rab le'u'i dka' 'grel (PrajftSpariccheda-paftjikfi), комментарий к IX главе.

Автор неизвестен. Р. 5278, Vol. 100. Т. 3876.

Sweet M. 1976. Santideva and the Mddhyamika: The Prajndpdramitd-pariccheda of the Bodhicarydvatdra. Ph. D. dissertation, University of Wisconsin.

Thogmed, Ngulchu. Santi Deva's Bodhisattva-charyavatara and its Commentary by

Ngulchu Thogmed. Published by Sakya Students' Union Burmese Temple Sarnath,

Varanasi, India, 1982.

Thog-me Zang-po (Thog med bzang po). 1974. The Ocean of Good Explanation. A

Commentary to (Shantideva's) Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life (byang chub

sems dpa'i spyod pa la 'jug pa'i 'grel pa legs par bshad pa'i rgya mstho). Sarnath.

Thub bstan chos kyi grags pa. 1988. Byang chub sems pa'i spyod pa la 'jug pa'i grel

bshad rgyal sras rgya mtsho'i yon tan rin po che mi zad 'jo ba'i bum bzang. Krung go'i bod kyi shes rin dpe skrun khang.

Wisdom: Two Buddhist Commentaries of the Ninth Chapter of Sdntideva's Bodhicarydvatdra (Khenchen Kunzang Palden: The Nectar of Mafijushri 's Speech; Minyak Kunzang Sunam: The Brilliant Torch). 1993. Translated from Tibetan by the Padmakara Translation Group. Peyzac-le-Moustier: Padmakara.

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