XII. Переведите письменно образец контракта.


Zhlobin 26 February 2003

“BELFA” Ltd., Zhlobin hereinafter referred to as the Seller in the person of Marketing Director on the one part and “Kara Slovakia-WT” hereinafter referred to as the Buyer on the other part, have concluded the present Contract to the following effect:

1. Subject of the Contract.

The Seller has sold and the Buyer has bought high pile knitted fabric hereinafter referred to as the Goods in quantity 5000m² in assortment of the Seller.

2. Price and total value of the Contract.

The prices of the goods are fixed in USA Dollars. The total value of the Contract is $15000. The total value of the Contract includes the cost of packing and customs formalities.

3. Time and delivery date.

The goods are to be delivered on FOR terms of delivery within seven days of the date of receipt of payment. In the event of the lack of raw materials the Seller has the right to reduce the quantity of the goods to be delivered to the Buyer.

4. Terms of payment.

The goods are to be paid by 100% prepayment on the account of the Seller. The bank’s fee for transferring funds is at the expense of the Buyer. The date of delivery shall be confirmed after the acceptance of payment to the Seller’s account.

5. Force Majeure

None of the parties shall bear responsibility for the complete or partial non performance of any of its obligations if this non performance is caused by such circumstances as flood, fire, earthquake and other natural disasters as well as war, military operations, blockade, actions of State Authorities or any other circumstances beyond the power of the parties.

6. Arbitration.

All disputes that might arise out of the present Contract shall be settled by negotiations. In the case of non-agreement all disputes are subject to be submitted for settlement to the Arbitrary Court of Gomel region of the Republic of Belarus.

XII. Переведите письменно образец контракта. - student2.ru Слова и словосочетания:

1. hereinafter referred to as – в дальнейшем именуемый

2. on the one part – с одной стороны

3. on the other part – с другой стороны

4. to conclude a contract – заключить контракт

5. to the following effect – для следующей цели, о следующем

6. high pile knitted fabric – длинноворсовое трикотажное полотно машинного вязания

7. in assortment – в ассортименте

8. total value of the contract – полная стоимость контракта

9. customs formalities – таможенные формальности

10. receipt of payment – получение платежа

11. the lack of raw materials – недостаток сырья, необеспеченность сырьем

12. bank’s fee for transferring funds – комиссионный сбор за банковский перевод

13. bear responsibility – нести ответственность

14. non performance – невыполнение

15. beyond the power of the parties – вне власти сторон

16. that might arise out of the present Contract – которые могут возникнуть по настоящему контракту

17. State Authorities – государственные власти

18. are subject to be submitted for settlement – должны быть предоставленным на рассмотрение

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