Экзаменационный билет № 13. Functions of logistics

  1. Функции логистики
  2. Взаимосвязь закупочной и распределительной логистики
  3. Микрологистическая система

1.Функции логистики

Functions of logistics

Logistic function is the integrated group of logistic operations, tasks directed on realization of the purposes of logistic system.

According to considered problems of logistics are distinguished: operative and coordination functions.

Marketing and logistics are closely interconnected «marketing forms demand, and logistics realizes it».

Thus, the logistic approach consists in establishment of interrelation between material, financial and information streams; in formation of technologies of optimum moving of material resources and the goods; identification of the centers of emergence of losses of time, etc.

From conceptual positions it is possible to allocate the following functions of logistics: backbone, integrating, regulating and a resultant.

The logistics aspires to capture all stages of interaction «supply - production - distribution - consumption», i.e. it represents algorithm of transformation of resources into delivery of finished goods according to existing demand.

2. The interrelation of separate functional areas of logistics is in general characterized in the previous paragraph. We will analyse interaction of distributive and purchasing logistics in the course of production finishing from the supplier to the consumer in more detail.

Let's consider management of a material stream on a site between two enterprises one of which is the supplier of goods, and another — the wholesale buyer. From a position of the first enterprise control of a material stream has to be exercised by methods of distributive logistics. However from a position of the second the same stream has to cope methods of purchasing logistics. The seeming contradiction is easy разрешимо.

Let's consider management of a stream on the allocated site if the buyer already paid for the contract to the supplier delivery of goods to the warehouse. In these conditions the profit of the supplier on the transaction in essential degree depends on that, how rationally his service of sale will organize delivery of the order to a warehouse of the buyer. In other words, on a considered site in this case the supplier is engaged in management of a stream. Applied methods belong to distributive logistics. The buyer who has already paid delivery, from its rational organization wins nothing (as anything and doesn't lose if delivery is organized badly).

3. Micrologistic control systems include the intra production logistic sphere of one or the groups of companies, united among themselves on a corporate basis.

Technologically connected productions united by one infrastructure and working for one economic result, include micrologistic functions.

The main complex functions of these economic systems consist in the following.

1 . According to requirement of the production focused on implementation of orders of buyers, implementation of purchases and implementation of the plan of deliveries.

2 . On the basis of optimization of stream processes the organization of management transport moving works in the production sphere.

3 . Creation of demanded conditions of transportation and delivery of marketed production, ensuring compliance to its orders, realization and control of the plan of sale.

4 . Impact on some logistic processes in environment.

Micrologistic systems have some levels of management. Object of management for the first level is the enterprise, or group of companies in corporate association.

Object of management of the second level – enterprise fields of activity.

As object of management for the third level enterprise divisions act, and for the last, bottom level object of management are the separate processes proceeding in division.

In economic literature sometimes it is possible to meet opinion that micrologistic systems are separate links of macrologistic systems. However it isn't obligatory.

Distinguish the internal, external and integrated micrologistic systems.

Optimize management of material streams within a production cycle of production intra production logistic systems.

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