III. Insert the proper word into the following sentences and explain its meaning with the help of the dictionary

1. … is an agency of a community or government that is responsible for maintaining public order

2. The basic police … was the same in ancient societies as it is in sophisticated urban environments.

3. During the Middle Ages, policing authority was the responsibility of local … on their individual estates.

4. The British … Sir Robert Peel in 1829 established London Metropolitan Police.

5. The … of the British police system is especially significant.

IV. Find a proper definition for the following words.

1) mission a) a specified state of growth or advancement
2) police b) the power or right to give orders, make decisions
3) development c) set up on a firm or permanent basis
4) authority d) the civil force of a state, responsible for the prevention and detection of crime
5) establish e) an important assignment given to a person or group of people

V. Put the verb into the correct tense form.

1. The basic police mission (to be) to preserve order.

2. In 1663 the city of London (to begin) paying watchmen to guard the streets at night.

3. London police (to exist) for almost 200 years up to now.

4. The king (to exercise) a kind of summary justice in those years.

5. American police system (to be based) on the British model.

VI. Give a short summary of the text in English.

VII. Retell the text.

III. Insert the proper word into the following sentences and explain its meaning with the help of the dictionary - student2.ru Essential vocabulary

armed озброєний
beat дозір, обхід; район (обходу)
patrol охороняти, патрулювати
pound наполегливо працювати

Text 5: The Police Officer

The British police officer – sometimes called “the bobby” after Sir Robert Peel, the founder of the police force – is a well-known figure to everybody who has visited Britain or who has seen British films. Policemen are to be seen in towns or cities keeping law and order, either walking in the streets (“pounding the beat”) or driving in cars (known as “panda cars” because of their distinctive markings).

To be a policeman means doing beat work, wearing a uniform and working in a small area of London, preventing crime and arresting criminals.

In most countries the police carry guns. The British police generally do not keep firearms, except in Northern Ireland. Only a few police officers are regularly armed – for example, those who guard politicians and diplomats or who patrol airports.

I. Answer the questions.

1. How is the British police officer called sometimes?

2. Who was the founder of the Metropolitan police?

3. What are the tasks of the policemen?

4. Why do they call police vehicles 'panda cars'?

5. In what part of the UK do police officers carry guns?

II. Are these statements true or false according to the text?

1. British policemen are often called 'tommy'.

2. Sir R. Peel was the founder of London police.

3. 'Pounding the beat' is a kind of entertainment.

4. Policemen usually wear uniform.

5. The policemen in the UK carry guns only in Northern Ireland.

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