Raw material, utilized in the production of confectionery articles


1. Basic raw material, utilized in the confectionery industry.

2. Gel-forming agents.

3. Fruit and berry, vegetable raw materials and semi finished products.

Pastry - печенье Hardtack – галеты

Gingerbread – пряники slider – вафли

Rolls – рулеты hammer - мо­лотковый

Smack – привкус prevents - препятству­ет

Fillings – начинки bee – пчела

Collect – собирают artificial – искусственный

Acquire – приобретают swell – набухающие

Thickener – загуститель alga – водоросль

Quiet – Тихий flocks – хлопья

Alike – подобный sinew - сухожилия

Skins – шкуры cartilages – хрящи

Bones – кости convertible – обратимые

Enlarge – расширить furthermore - кроме того

Stone fruits - ко­сточковые beet – свекла

Pumpkin – тыква pubs – кабачки

Watermelons – арбузы muskmelons – дыни

Pie plants – ревень acidifiers – подкислители

  1. Basic raw material, utilized in the confectionery industry

Confectionery goods - foodstuffs of the industrial production, with the production, which are used about 200 forms of different raw material. For obtaining all confectionery articles adapts the sugar in the combination, with the fats, by the proteins, gustatory and other by substances. They are characterized by pleasant taste, complex aroma, attractive exterior view, high energy value. The calorific capacity of 100 g of articles is from 300 to 600 kcal.

Depending on the raw material used and technology of production confectionery goods divide into two basic groups: saccharine and flour. Into the group of saccharine confectionery articles enter fruit and berry articles, chocolate and cocoa- powder, caramel, candy, iris, drop, the halva, eastern sweetness’s (of type of caramel and candies). The group of flour confectionery articles includes pastry; hardtacks, gingerbread, slider, cakes, rolls, pastry, meat loaves, cakes, meal eastern sweetness’s. Besides the articles of mass demand are let out also confectionery goods of the special designation: for the children's and dietetic nourishment, vitamin zed, therapeutic.

Granulated sugar is the basis of the confectionery articles, which are to sweetness. This is the commodity name of product with the high content of saccharine. According to the degree of cleaning is distinguished the granulated sugar for the industrial processing, commercial and refined sugar.

Powdered sugar is converted product granulated sugar, which is achieved directly in confectionery enterprises by the mechanical crushing of sugar of sand at the hammer high speed grinding mills.

Liquid sugar - these are the product, which is concentrated solution granulated sugar either lump sugar or solution with the content of the specific quantity of invert syrup.

Starch syrup relates to the basic raw material and it is intended for replacing the part of the saccharine in the confectionery articles and changing the properties of confectionery masses. It is transparent colorless or pale yellow viscous fluid. The taste of starch syrup - sweet, without the outside smack, smell practically is absent. The high content of starch syrup prevents the crystallization of saccharine.

Starch syrup is used during the production of all sugar confectionery articles (caramel, candies, iris, jelly-candy, paste articles, halva, eastern sweetness’s), and also during the production of such semi finished products as fillings. Starch syrup enters also into the formulas of a number of flour confectionery articles.

Natural honey - this is the converted product of flower nectar in the organism of bee. Honey can be liquid and thick. The color of honey depends on plants, which the bees collect nectar. Taste and aroma of honey also depend on its origin and chemical composition. The basis of honey are two mono-Sahara - glucose and fructose, that are been the reduced sugar.

Artificial honey is the invert syrup, obtained by the hydrolysis of the saccharine of sugar syrup by food acids with the subsequent neutralization and having viscous consistency, but less viscous than honey natural.

  1. Gel-forming agent

Gel-forming agent (gel formers) widely they adapt in the confectionery production. Having different nature and origins, they possess one general property - the ability to under specific conditions form jelly- gels.

The modified starches are obtained from the native starches by different modifications. The utilized methods of processing (chemical, biological and physical) the native starches contribute to a significant change in their properties and to structure. They acquire capability for dissolution in the cold water, to the pasting, to gel formation, they become resistant to heating and action of acids. In the confectionery production uses the swell, hydrolyzed and oxidized starches.

Agar (agar-agar) relates to the food additives with the properties of thickener, gelling agent, stabilizer (E 406). Is the mixture of the polysaccharides of agarose and agaropektina. It is obtained from the alga, which grow in the coastal waters of the White Sea and Quiet Ocean.

Furtselaran, just as agar, is let out by the industry of the highest and first type in the form of the film of plates, grist and flocks.

Agaroid is the agar alike product, obtained from the red algae of the kind of filo fora, which grow in the coastal waters of Black sea.

Gelatin is the gel-forming substance of animal origin. The raw material, which contains collagen or ossein is basis for obtaining the gelatin (sinew, skins, cartilages and the bones of animals).

Gelatin is the only gel-forming agent of protein nature. Into its composition it enters to 18 amino acids. It does not have a smell and a taste; it is capable to form the thermally convertible gels.

Gelatin is not dissolved in the organic solvents. In the cold water and in the dilute acids it will swell and absorbs at room temperature (20- 25 °C) a 10-15- multiple quantity of water, being converted gradually into the gel. For forming the weak jelly 1% of gelatin is required.

Thickeners are used in the confectionery production with the production of fillings, candy masses. Their application makes it possible to enlarge assortment, to increase the viscosity of confectionery masses.

  1. Fruit and berry and vegetable raw material and semi finished products

Fruit and berry and vegetable raw material contains the well available carbohydrates - glucose, fructose, saccharine; vitamins - A, group B, C; mineral substances, and also biologically active materials - catechins, anthocyan. This causes its high food nourishment value. Furthermore, fruits, fruits and vegetables possess antioxidant abilities, have good gustatory qualities.

Fruit and berry raw material - these are fruits and the berry of seeds, stone fruits, citreous, tropical and subtropical cultures. The bases of vegetable group are carrot, beet dining room, pumpkin, green tomatoes, pubs, watermelons, muskmelons, pie plants and other.

Also in the confectionery production are used fats, oils and dairy products, gustatory products, spices, aromatizes and acidifiers, food dyes.

Control questions

1. What does relate to the basic raw materials in the confectionery production?

2. What form of raw material occupies basic place in the formula of the confectioner’s articles?

3. Give the characteristic of the raw material, obtained from the fruits, berries and vegetables?

Lecture 17

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