They announced (that) they would have returned home by 9 o`clock the next day-Они заявили, что вернутся домой к 9 часам

Singular Plural
I would have returned. Would I have returned? I would not (wouldn`t) have returned We would have returned. Would we have returned? We would not (wouldn`t) have returned
You would have returned. Would you have returned? You would not (wouldn`t)have returned You would have returned. Would you have returned? You would not (wouldn`t)have returned
He, she, it would have returned. Would he, she, it have returned? He, she, it would not (wouldn`t) have returned They would have returned. Would they have returned? They would not (wouldn`t) have returned

The Future Perfect Continuous (Progressive)

in the Past Tense

E.g. I informed my new boss(that) I would have been working here for 3 years by the next year-Я сообщил моему новому начальнику, что к будущему году я буду работать здесь уже 3 года

Singular Plural
I would have been working. Would I have been working? I would not (wouldn`t) have been working We would have been working. Would we have been working? We would not (wouldn`t) have been working
You would have been working. Would you have been working? You would not (wouldn`t)have been working You would have been working. Would you have been working? You would not (wouldn`t)have been working
He, she, it would have been working. Would he, she, it have been working? He, she, it would not (wouldn`t) have been working They would have been working. Would they have been working? They would not (wouldn`t) have been working

The Rules of the Sequence of Tenses

Правила согласования времен

Правила согласования времен состоят в том, что, если в главном предложении глагол употреблен в прошедшем времени, то в придаточном глагол также будет употребляться в одном из прошедших времен. Каждый раз совершается «шаг назад». Каждое из времен заменяется на свой прошедший эквивалент. Часто это происходит при передаче прямой речи в косвенной

Таблица изменения времен

Present Simple I said, “ I work here” Past Simple I said I worked there
Present Continuous I said, " I am working here" Past Continuous I said I was working there
Present Perfect I said, " I have always worked here" Past Perfect I said I had always worked there
Present Perfect Continuous I said, " I have been working here for a year" Past Perfect Continuous I said I had been working there for a year
Past Simple I said, "I worked there 2 years ago" Past Perfect I said I had worked there 2 years before
Past Continuous I said, "I was working there at 5 0`clock yesterday" Past Continuous or Past Perfect Continuous I said I was (had been) working there at 5 0`clock the day before
Future Simple (Continuous, Perfect, Perfect Continuous)   Future Simple (Continuous, Perfect, Perfect Continuous) in the Past

При передаче косвенной речи в прошедшем меняются также некоторые наречия

Today That day
Tomorrow Yesterday Last week Next week(month, year) A week(month, year) ago In a week(month, year) this these here now The next(following) day The day before(the previous day) The previous week The next(following) week A week(month, year) before A week(month, year) later that those there then

Глаголы, вводящие прямую и косвенную речь

Утверждения: to say (to smb) - сказать,to announce (to smb) - объявить, to tell smb – рассказать к-л, to inform smb- проинформиовать к-л, to declare- заявить, to promise -обещать, to remark - заметить, to assure smb-уверить к-л She promised that she would help her friends
Вопросы:to ask-спрашивать, to wonder-интересоваться, to inquire of smb-поинтересоваться (официально) We wondered when he had returned home
Просьбы и приказания: to tell smb-велеть, to order-приказать, to ask попросить, to beg-умолять, to urge-настоятельно убеждать We ordered the children to come home

При передаче косвенных вопросов используется прямой порядок слов (как в утвердительном предложении). В косвенных общих вопросах используются союзы if, whether (ли). E.g. We asked my friend if he had passed the exam. – Мы спросили у друга, сдал ли он экзамен. При передаче косвенных приказаний используется инфинитив. E.g. We ordered the children to come home – Мы велели детям вернуться домой.

The Passive Voice

Страдательный залог

Показывает, что предмет испытывает действие со стороны. Если объект, производящий действие, известен, он вводится предлогами with( чаще для неодушевленных), by (чаще для одушевленных). Иногда упоминание этого объекта вообще не важно. Именно в этом случае лучше выбирать страдательный залог.

Модель образования страдательного залога:

to be + participle II (гл +ed (3-я форма глагола))

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