
Тема проекта:Eating food is full of flavors but unhealthy

Проблема: The influence of unhealthy food on our health

Идея проекта:Prevention of health problems

Цель проекта:To inform people about healthy eating

Задачи проекта:

1. to revise the main rules of healthy eating

2. to discuss the situations and fatal consequences

3. the quality of food we consume

Использование в процессе проектной работы компетенций и субкомпетенции: социо-культурная компетенция, информационно-поисковая, аналитико-прогнозная.

Возможные варианты решения поставленной проблемы:

- To take an extreme view of what a healthy diet is

- To warn population about the danger of wrong eating habits

- To compare other countries’ experience in this field

Рекoмендуемая литература:

1. “Body confident” by Victoria Moran

2. “Boundless Energy” by Deepak Chopra

3. “Breaking food seduction” by Neal Barnard

Тема проекта: Influence of TV and radio program

Проблема: The effect of watching TV on physical state and mood

Идея проекта:Advantages and disadvantages of watching TV

Цель проекта: The role of Mass Media in the life of our society

Задачи проекта:

1. To compare print and electronic media

2. The quality of TV and Radio programmes

3. The positive and negative impact of TV and radio on children

Использование в процессе проектной работы компетенций и субкомпетенции: социо-культурная компетенция, информационно-поисковая, аналитико-прогнозная.

Возможные варианты решения поставленной проблемы:

- To compare other countries’ experience in this field

- To involve parents to control children’s watching TV at night times

- To take control over TV programme makers who are responsible for a moral obligation to educate public

Рекoмендуемая литература:

1. The Blue Economy by Ganter Pauli

2. The Future Is Better Than You Think by Charles Mann

3. Deciding communication law by Susan Ross

4. www. Mass media. com

Тема проекта:Ecological issues

Проблема: The Mass Media in the fight against pollution and for nature protection.

Идея проекта:Protection of the environment from destruction and pollution

Цель проекта: The role of Mass Media in the environment protection

Задачи проекта:

1.To discuss fatal situations and their consequences

2. Government’s responsibility in prevention pollution

3. Improvement of the work local environmental organizations

Использование в процессе проектной работы компетенций и субкомпетенции: социо-культурная компетенция, информационно-поисковая, аналитико-прогнозная.

Возможные варианты решения поставленной проблемы:

- To inform people about importance of environment by mass media

- To find out new ways of solving environmental issues

- To compare other countries’ experience in this field

- To attract volunteers to preserve the nature

Рекoмендуемая литература:

1. The Blue Economy by Ganter Pauli

2. The Future Is Better Than You Think by Charles Mann

3. A Contract with the Earth by Terry Mapple

4. www. Environment protection. com

Тема проекта:Quality of food

Проблема: More people today think they have a healthy diet. Quality of food which we consume today.

Идея проекта:Today’s food industry

Цель проекта:To improve health problems

Задачи проекта:

1. to discuss fatal situation and consequences

2. lack of knowledge about right dieting

3. to revise the main rules of healthy dieting

Использование в процессе проектной работы компетенций и субкомпетенции: социо-культурная компетенция, информационно-поисковая, аналитико-прогнозная.

Возможные варианты решения поставленной проблемы:

- to develop the science which studies how healthy food is;

- to reveal ways of using artificial methods in producing food

- to control an import of food industry

Рекoмендуемая литература:

1. “Body confident” by Victoria Moran

2. “Boundless Energy” by Deepak Chopra

3. “Breaking food seduction” by Neal Barnard

Тема проекта:Educational benefits of TV programmes

Проблема: Most of what is shown on television is not worth watching

Идея проекта:Entertaining and educational TV programmes

Цель проекта:To show that television is as entertaining and educational as reading

Задачи проекта:

1. to discuss the benefits of TV

2. negative effects of TV programmes and their consequences

3. to consider cultural relevance, news programmes and advertisements of television

Использование в процессе проектной работы компетенций и eсубкомпетенции: социо-культурная компетенция, информационно-поисковая, аналитико-прогнозная.

Возможные варианты решения поставленной проблемы:

- to talk about the criteria people use for selecting and rejecting programmes

- to take control over TV programme makers who are responsible for a moral obligation to educate public

Рекoмендуемая литература:

1. The Blue Economy by Ganter Pauli

2. The Future Is Better Than You Think by Charles Mann

3. Deciding communication law by Susan Ross

4. www. Mass media. com

Тема проекта:Negative aspects of crime on TV

Проблема: Crime on TV leads to crime in society

Идея проекта:TV programmes about crime and violence

Цель проекта:To show that crime and violence on TV have a negative impact on society

Задачи проекта:

1. to discuss the fatal situations and consequences

2. quality of TV programmes about crime and violence

3. programmes which deter people from committing crime

Использование в процессе проектной работы компетенций и субкомпетенции: социо-культурная компетенция, информационно-поисковая, аналитико-прогнозная.

Возможные варианты решения поставленной проблемы:

- to involve public in solving crimes

- politicians’ responsibility to act in the right way

- violence should be censored, or act at least restricted to certain times

Рекoмендуемая литература:

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