
Тема проекта:Ecological problems

Проблема: Ecological problems of the world. World Wildlife Fund Organization in protecting the environment.

Идея проекта:Preserving the nature

Цель проекта:Functions and aims of this organization

Задачи проекта:

1. to discuss the benefits of organizations

2. membership and reputation of WWF

3. to inform people about the World Conservation Strategy

Использование в процессе проектной работы компетенций и eсубкомпетенции: социо-культурная компетенция, информационно-поисковая, аналитико-прогнозная.

Возможные варианты решения поставленной проблемы:

- to organize the local campaigns

- to take part in demonstrations

- to support the work of ecologists

Рекoмендуемая литература:

1. The Blue Economy by Ganter Pauli

2. The Future Is Better Than You Think by Charles Mann

3. A Contract with the Earth by Terry Mapple

4. www. Environment protection. com

Тема проекта:

“The Effects of Media on the Body-Image of Preadolescent Girls”

· Проблема:The impact of mass media on the body imageof teenage girls in KZ and all over the world.

· Идея проекта: the best ways of solving existing problems in this area.

· Цель проекта:to decrease tremendous effect of "thin-ideal" images and body dissatisfaction on teenage girls.

· Задачи проекта:

1. To explain how mass media influence views of body image and the development of eating disorders in KZ.

2. To find out the main problems and the ways of solving them.

3. To predict the future improvements and its impact to preadolescent girls.

· Использование в процессе проектной работы компетенций и субкомпетенции: социо-культурная компетенция, информационно-поисковая, аналитико-прогнозная.

· Возможные варианты решения поставленной проблемы:

¾ To explain students about overwhelming use of beauty as a marketing tool for advertisers and its effects on young women by promoting the “thin ideal.”

¾ To encourage girls not to compare their own bodies and physical traits to those of models and actresses who they believe represent social and cultural ideals

¾ To take into consideration the experience of some girls who were victim of mass media

¾ To decrease the pressure to be perfect: influences on girls’ body esteem.

· Конечный продукт проектной работы - доклад на международной студенческой конференции.


Тулешова К.Т.


Иванова А.М.

Кармысова М.К.

Рекомендуемые источники:

1. http://www.unc.edu/~cecchett/Mass%20Media%20Effects.pdf

2. http://www.academia.edu/470550/Pressure_to_be_perfect_Influences_on_college_students_body_esteem

3. www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0pwXRQxSYE

4. http://www.123helpme.com/search.asp?text=media+women

5. http://parentingteens.about.com/od/bodyimage/f/media_bodyimage.htm

Тема проекта:

“ Cell phones. How have they changed us socially?”

· Проблема: Hidden Dangers of the Modern Cell Phone.

· Идея проекта: the best ways of solving existing problems in this area.

· Цель проекта:to find out if modern means of communication make our society better or worse.

· Задачи проекта:

1. To find advantages and disadvantages of cell phones.

2. To compare communication these days to that one used 20 years ago.

3. To find out the main problems and the ways of solving them.

4. To predict the future improvements and its impact to the young generation.

· Использование в процессе проектной работы компетенций и субкомпетенции: социо-культурная компетенция, информационно-поисковая, аналитико-прогнозная.

· Возможные варианты решения поставленной проблемы:

1. To encourage students’ not to be stuck to their cell phones and computers, ignoring the real life, and trying to get everything out of some buttons and screens;

2. To figure out the importance of real face to face communication;

3. To interact in a neutral environment, without a cell phone nearby which helps foster closeness, connectedness, interpersonal trust, and perceptions of empathy — the building-blocks of relationships.

· Конечный продукт проектной работы - доклад на международной студенческой конференции.


Тулешова К.Т.


Иванова А.М.

Кармысова М.К.

Рекомендуемые источники:

1. http://www.studymode.com/subjects/how-cell-phones-have-they-changed-us-socially-page1.html

2. www.ihigh.com/Newspaper News/

3. http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/241907.php

4. http://edition.cnn.com/2012/09/27/tech/mobile-culture-usage/index.html

Тема проекта:

Cinematography of Kazakhstan: tendencies and prospects

· Проблема:Current condition of national cinematography.

· Идея проекта: The best ways of solving existing problems in this area.

· Цель проекта:Searching for ways of its development, deep analysis of feature and animated films.

· Задачи проекта:

1. To describe cinema’s role in KZ. (History of Cinema in Kazakhstan; Kazakhstan cinema’s Gold Collection)

2. To find out the main problems (e.g. a problem of a contemporary hero in our cinematography) and the ways of solving them (satisfy spectators, touch their hearts and occupy a worthy place in a history of world cinema)

3. To predict the future improvements and its impact to society.

· Использование в процессе проектной работы компетенций и субкомпетенции: социо-культурная компетенция, информационно-поисковая, аналитико-прогнозная.

· Возможные варианты решения поставленной проблемы:

¾ To explain students that for our cinema, the problem of a hero remains extremely important.

¾ To encourage students to support our cinematography

¾ To find the possible ways of strengthening of financial condition of movie studios.

¾ To take into consideration the experts ideas and concepts this will give a new impulse to further development of cinema in KZ.

· Конечный продукт проектной работы - доклад на международной студенческой конференции.


Тулешова К.Т.


Иванова А.М.

Кармысова М.К.

Рекомендуемые источники:

1. http://www.filmbirth.com/kazakhstan.html

2. http://www.caspionet.kz/eng/kultura/

3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cinema_of_Central_Asia

4. http://www.sanat.orexca.com/eng/2-04/cinema.shtml

5. http://bta.kz/en/press/news/2006/04/03/310/

6. http://www.sat.kz/en/social/sponsorship/education/271

7. http://www.world-design-directory.com/film/kazakhstan.wdd

8. http://www.kazakhembus.com/article/film-and-cultural-festival-to-introduce-kazakhstan-to-hollywood

Тема проекта:

“The benefits of high technology in modern society”

· Проблема: Advantages and disadvantages of using high technology.

· Идея проекта: the best ways of solving existing problems in this area.

· Цель проекта:tofind out if the benefits of high technology to modern society far outweigh the disadvantages.

· Задачи проекта:

1. To explain the basic functions of high technology.

2. To find out the main problems of high technology and the ways of solving them.

3. To predict the future improvements and its impact to society.

· Использование в процессе проектной работы компетенций и субкомпетенции: социо-культурная компетенция, информационно-поисковая, аналитико-прогнозная.

· Возможные варианты решения поставленной проблемы:

1. To teach students not to become overly dependent on technology.

2. To suggest and discuss at a round-table about new modern appliances that will help us to improve our lifestyle.

· Конечный продукт проектной работы - доклад на международной студенческой конференции.


Тулешова К.Т.


Иванова А.М.

Кармысова М.К.

Рекомендуемые источники:

1. www.essayforum.com/index.

2. www.studymode.com/.../modern-high-tech/

3. http://www.ehow.com/list_5815213_advantages-high_tech-gadgets.html

4. www.tech-noob.com/the-impact-of-modern

5. www.essayjudge.com/document_detail.php

6. www.createdebate.com/.../Technology_brin.

Тема проекта:

“Genetically Modified Foods: The Answer to World Hunger?”

· Проблема:The wide-spread usage of genetically modified foods all over the world.

· Идея проекта: the best ways of solving existing problems in this area.

· Цель проекта:to find out if there is a threat to the health of consumers.

· Задачи проекта:

1. To explain the dangers and benefits of genetic engineering;

2. To describe and compare the usage of GM foods in KZ and other countries;

3. To find out the main problems and the ways of solving them.

4. To predict the future improvements and its impact to society.

· Использование в процессе проектной работы компетенций и субкомпетенции: социо-культурная компетенция, информационно-поисковая, аналитико-прогнозная.

· Возможные варианты решения поставленной проблемы:

¾ To explain students about advantages and disadvantages of GM food

¾ To encourage students to keep fit and eat only healthy food.

¾ To take into consideration the experience of some countries where this problem was sorted out.

· Конечный продукт проектной работы - доклад на международной студенческой конференции.


Тулешова К.Т.


Иванова А.М.

Кармысова М.К.

Рекомендуемые источники:

1. www.csa.com/.../gmfood/overview.php

2. www.wanttoknow.info/.../genetically_modif

3. http://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/1215502/GM-food-harmful-or-helpful

4. www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-zpqIxfeso

5. http://thegeneticmodificationdebate.weebly.com/

6. http://books.google.kz/books?id=ahnTzLHy-GUC&pg=PA59&lpg=PA59&dq=genetically+modified+foods+harmful+or+helpful&source

Тема проекта:

“Romantic love is a poor basis for marriage.”

· Проблема: The importance of marriage in KZ.

· Идея проекта: the best ways of solving existing problems in this area.

· Цель проекта:to find the best ways to have a long lasting marriage.

· Задачи проекта:

1. To explain importance of marriage.

2. To explain advantages and disadvantages of being married.

3. To find out if morals, beliefs and financial stability are more important for a successful relationship or romantic love.

4. To find out the main problems and the ways of solving them.

5. To predict the future improvements and its impact to society.

· Использование в процессе проектной работы компетенций и субкомпетенции: социо-культурная компетенция, информационно-поисковая, аналитико-прогнозная.

· Возможные варианты решения поставленной проблемы:

¾ To explain students that warm and friendly relations between spouses are the core of successful marriage and trust.

¾ To organize a round table discussion this will help to avoid the reduction in the number of marriages today in KZ.

¾ To take into consideration the experience of our ancestors.

· Конечный продукт проектной работы - доклад на международной студенческой конференции.


Тулешова К.Т.


Иванова А.М.

Кармысова М.К.

Рекомендуемые источники:

1. http://customessaypapers.com

2. http://kcook14english.blogspot.com/2012/02/romantic-love-is-poor-basis-for.html

3. Chalmers, Jennifer H., Ph.D. (2006). Romantic Love: Is it a Realistic Goal for Marriage Therapy? http://www.marriagebuilders.com/graphic/mbi8118_real.html

4. Marriage is Forever. (1997). Retrieved from http://bygpub.com/books/tg2rw/chap12excerpt.htm

Тема проекта:

“Impact of Movies on Youth”

· Проблема: Advantages and disadvantages of watching different kinds of movies.

· Идея проекта: the best ways of solving existing problems in this area.

· Цель проекта:to decrease youth violence in Kazakhstan.

· Задачи проекта:

1. To describe and compare two different movies.

2. To find out the main problems and the ways of solving them.

3. To predict the future improvements and its impact to the youth.

· Использование в процессе проектной работы компетенций и субкомпетенции: социо-культурная компетенция, информационно-поисковая, аналитико-прогнозная.

· Возможные варианты решения поставленной проблемы:

¾ To require more hours of educational television which will benefit our young generation;

¾ To increase the students’ interest to our national cinematography;

¾ To take into consideration the experience of American movie makers;

¾ To create some students’ organizations that will give fresh idea to the film producers (select good stories, historical subjects and Kazakh literary master-pieces or create new super-heroes who will meet today’s youth requirement).

· Конечный продукт проектной работы - доклад на международной студенческой конференции.

Рекомендуемые источники:

1. http://www.eurojournals.com/ejsr_38_1_15.pdf

2. www.partnershipforbetterhealthanokacounty.com/vertical/sites/{2E3DFA25-04F4-46C7-BDDB-02D52D6104DC}/uploads/{66A4DB04-171C-453F-81A4-66AD750534D8}.PDF

3. www.trulymovingpictures.org/.../Teaching with movies

4. http://www.helium.com/items/1856653-the-effects-of-film-on-the-individual

5. http://www.bukisa.com/articles/357216_what-effect-do-movies-have-on-teens

6. http://www.cdc.gov/ViolencePrevention/pub/PreventingYV.html

7. http://www.who.int/violence_injury_prevention/violence/youth/en/index.html

Тема проекта:

“Mass media and its influence on society”

· Проблема: Advantages and disadvantages of mass media.

· Идея проекта: the best ways of solving existing problems in this area.

· Цель проекта:to decrease great influence of Mass Media in shaping people's ideas.

· Задачи проекта:

5. To explain the three basic functions of mass media (they are providing news/information, entertainment and education.)

6. To explain the role of media in a democracy;

7. To describe the role of media in society;

8. To enumerate the positive and negative effects of media.

9. To predict the future improvements and its impact on society.

· Использование в процессе проектной работы компетенций и субкомпетенции: социо-культурная компетенция, информационно-поисковая, аналитико-прогнозная.

· Возможные варианты решения поставленной проблемы:

¾ To take into consideration the experience of people how to resist and ignore mass media

¾ To increase the students’ interest to the traditional culture of our country

¾ To find out solution from media addiction

· Конечный продукт проектной работы - доклад на международной студенческой конференции.

Рекомендуемые источники:

1. http://www.writemypapers.org/examples-and-samples/essay-on-how-does-the-mass-media-influence-the-modern-society.html

2. www.buzzle.com/.../mass-media-influence.

3. http://rayuso.hubpages.com/hub/Mass-Media-Influence-on-Society

4. http://www.cliffsnotes.com/study_guide/The-Role-and-Influence-of-Mass-Media.topicArticleId-26957,articleId-26946.html

5. http://www.passia.org/seminars/99/media_and_communication/rami2.html

6. http://download.nos.org/srsec335new/ch3.pdf

Тема проекта:

“The role Of Social Network Websites like Facebook and Twitter in KZ”

· Проблема: Advantages and disadvantages of widespread usage of social networking sites by young people.

· Идея проекта: the best ways of solving existing problems in this area.

· Цель проекта:to decrease the influence of Social Network Websites on young generation’s social life.

· Задачи проекта:

1. To explain basic functions of social networking sites.

2. To find out the main problems like: the dangers of online social networking sites and the ways of solving them.

3. To predict the future improvements and its impact to the youth.

· Использование в процессе проектной работы компетенций и субкомпетенции: социо-культурная компетенция, информационно-поисковая, аналитико-прогнозная.

· Возможные варианты решения поставленной проблемы:

¾ To explain students that their personal data is not always safe on these social networking sites

¾ To encourage students to face-to-face interaction

¾ To inform them to be cautious about what they share on social networking sites

· Конечный продукт проектной работы - доклад на международной студенческой конференции.

Рекомендуемые источники:






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