Use the phrases to complete the columns. Add some more phrases to each category

Free-time activities Daily routine Chores

*Do the shopping *have a barbecue * watch DVDs * take the rubbish out * collect signatures of celebrities * go dancing * catch the bus* read newspapers * go jogging * mow the lawn * iron the clothes * dust the furniture * do homework * meet friends * play sports * visit relatives * have breakfast


I am fond of good books and good music, and when I have some time to spare, I like to go to the theatre or a concert. There are more than a dozen very good orchestras in Britain and some of them are world famous. Orchestras in Britain have no concert halls of their own, but play in halls rented from local authorities or private companies.

There are 2 big concert halls in London. The Old Royal Albert Hall and the New Royal Festival Hall, which is one of the most modern concert halls in the world.Theatricalperformances are given by theatre companies. There are about 200 professional theatres in Britain. Like orchestras, the theatre companies usually play in rented theatres, but there are several theatres which have their own homes. The center of the art life is London. London is also the main center of opera and ballet. In Britain the choice of films is limited to young people.

Films are placed in one of three categories in Britain. "U" - suitable for everybody, "A" - more suitable for adults, "X" - suitable only for adults. A person under 16 years of age may see an "A" film only in company of an adult. Only person over 16 years of age may see "X" films. Those, who prefer to stay at home may spend their free time, watching TV, listening to the radio. They have many TV and radio programs to choose from. As for me, I am a great cinema-goer. I like the cinema tremendously. I see all the best films that are on. I prefer features films, though I enjoy documentaries almost as much to say nothing of animated cartoons films, news-reels or popular science films.

I usually go to the cinema for the morning or day shows. If I want to go to an evening show I book tickets beforehand. I like to come to the cinema a couple of minutes before the movie starts. If there is a long time to wait I can always look at the portraits of film stars hanging on the walls of the foyer, or listen to a little concert that is usually given for the spectators. It is a good idea, that those who are late are not allowed to enter the hall until the news-reel is over.

I hate being disturbed when a film is on. If I like a movie very much I go to see it a second time and besides I see many of the movies televised. I often read the paper "Film Week" to know which films have been released and which ones are being shot. I know all the famous script writers, producers and cameramen.


Answer these questions.

1) What do you normally do in your leisure time?

2) How often do you go to the theatres?

3) Do you do something unusual at your free time?

4) What opportunities do you have in Moscow to spend your free time usefully?

2. Make a story about your free time, using these expressions:

I enjoy…I’m looking forward to ….I’d love…..I can’t stand….I prefer….etc.



Match the names of establishments with their definitions.

1. a bar 2. a coffee shop 3. an informal restaurant 4. a luxury restaurant 5. a night club 6. a casino 7. a café 8. a tea room 9. a cafeteria 10. a pizzeria 11. a seafood restaurant 12. a snack bar 13. a fast-food restaurant 14. a national restaurant 15. a vegetarian restaurant 16. a children’s café 17. a take-away restaurant a) a type of restaurant with simple food (mainly sandwiches and burgers) and quick service b) a place with a counter where ready-made dishes are displayed c) an eatery that sells mainly crisps, chocolate, nuts, fizzy drinks and so on d) an establishment where guests can order some food and eat it anywhere they like – in the car, in the park, at the cinema, etc. e) an eating establishment that serves fish dishes, shellfish and so on. f) a restaurant with traditional cuisine of a particular country or area g) a place that offers various types of coffee and desserts. h) a place for dancing and entertainment where guests can buy beverages (including alcoholic) and snacks i) a formal five or four-star restaurant with excellent cuisine. j) a small inexpensive establishment with simple cuisine and sometimes self-service k) an eatery that serves one of the most popular Italian dishes l) a place that offers fruit and vegetable dishes. There isn’t any red meat on the menu. m) an establishment where guests can order spirits and cocktails. n) an establishment that specializes in serving different kinds of tea. o) an establishment that gives its guests an opportunity to gamble and have strong drinks. p) an establishment that doesn’t serve any alcohol or heavy dishes. There are mainly desserts, milkshakes and ice-cream on the menu. q) an establishment with good and reasonably-priced cuisine.

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