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Forms of be (формы глагола be)


Вопросительная форма отрицательная форма

Am Are Is Is I you she he reading? speaking? playing? smoking?   I You She He am not are not is not is not reading. speaking. playing. smoking. Note: В вопросительных предложениях глагол (to) be стоит перед подлежащим, а смысловой глагол – после подлежащего. Для образования

Спряжение глаголов avere и essere

Приложение 2 Futuro semplice Futuro anteriore io sarò io avrò io sarò stato io avrò avuto tu sarai tu avrai tu sarai stato tu avrai avuto lui sarà lui avrà lui sarà stato lui avrà avuto noi saremo noi avremo noi saremo stati noi avremo avuto voi sarete voi avrete voi sarete stati voi avrete avuto loro saranno

Времена английского глагола

Таблица временных форм глагола Время Простое Indefinite (Simple) Длительное Continuous Завершенное Perfect Настоящее I write Я пишу (вообще, обычно) I am writing Я пишу (сейчас) I have written Я (уже) написал Прошедшее Past I wrote ' Я (на) писал (вчера) I was

Текст 2 для специальности 030912 Право и организация социального обеспечения

МЕТОДИЧЕСКИЕ УКАЗАНИЯИ КОНТРОЛЬНЫЕ ЗАДАНИЯдля студентов заочного отделения 4-го курса по дисциплине ____Иностранный язык___ для специальностей: 030912 Право и организация социального обеспечения 080114 Экономика и бухгалтерский учет

Draw different shapes and ask your group mate to name and describe them

19.Use the expressions of agreement and disagreement and describe these objects in pairs. Begin like this: - This is a triangle, isn't it? - Absolutely right. - It has three angles and two sides. - No, you are wrong. It has three angles and three sides. 20. Complete the chart. VOCABULARY № English word Transcription Translation 1. calculation   обчислення 2. point

Text 6. Railway Reforms in Russia

In 1991 the Soviet Railway System broke into the individual national railways of CIS countries. The Ministry of Railways remained the only structure in Russia to control state regulations and economic activities of Russian railways. However, severe competition between other transport modes and railways made the latter completely renovate their system. It became clear that successful reforms in the railway sector

Вопросительные предложения

Interrogative sentences1. Задайте общие вопросы к предложениям, начиная их с do/does: 1. I work hard. And you? … you …? 2. I play tennis. And you? … you …? 3. I play tennis. And Ann? … Ann …? 4. I know the answer. And you? … the answer? 5. I like hot weather. And you? …? 6. I smoke. And your father? …? 7. I do exercises every morning. And you? …? 8. I

Посчитайте, что получается в ответе.

- minus , + plus, = is 31+28 = 18 - 9 = 45+23 = 52+38 = 56 284 – 10 214 = 930 112 – 230 012 = 79-17 = 87-13 = 35 485 + 12 000 = 518 000 + 300 947 = 81+34 = 10+12 = 24 670 – 13 170 = 736 800 + 100 200 = 100-60 = 41+59 =Прочитайте даты.a) 1890, 1967, 1600, 1982, 2001, 1734, 1805 b) 1.09.1984; 7.11.1990; 5.07.1945; 22.04.1907; 10.02.1834; 30.03.1657; 16.12.1790Прочитайте

YI. Прочтите текст и переведите его устно; затем перепишите и переведите письменно заглавие и абзацы 1,2,3

Probleme des Straßenverkehrs 1.Die Probleme des neuzeitlichen städtischen Straßenverkehrs lassen sich in ihrem vollen Ausmaß nur begreifen, wenn man den fließenden und ruhenden Verkehr im Zusammenhang mit dem Städtebau betrachtet. Zum besseren Verständnis der heutigen Lage sollte man sich daran erinnern, daß die Mehrzahl unserer Städte im Mittelalter entstanden ist.

И отглагольное существительное

Обратите внимание на различные значения ing -формы: В следующих предложениях reading причастие: My brother is reading a book. In the library you can see many people reading books. Reading his newspaper, the old man fell asleep. В следующих предложениях reading герундий: Reading a good book gives me a lot of pleasure.

Write the missing degrees of comparison.

1. fast - the fastest 2. far farther - 3. - older the oldest 4. - bigger the biggest 5. good-looking better-looking - 6. - busier the busiest Complete the sentences with the comparative form of the adjectives in brackets.Example: Bred is slimmer than Bob. a) The CN Tower is _____ than the Empire State Building. (tall) b) A motorcycle is _____ than a

Изучите лексику, используя словарь

73. a medication order 74. to issue 75. to be authorized 76. the patient chart 77. a controlled substance 78. strength 79. to sign (signature) 80. schedule 81. to refill 82. an indication 83. in writing (orally) 84. to identify 85. initial 86. caution 87. precautions 88. suspension 89. emulsion 90. “May Cause Drowsiness” 91. auxiliary 92. topical lotion 93. to confuse 94. to keep out of reach 95. to avoid

British system of education

There are three stages in the system of public education in the United Kingdom: Primary, Secondary and Further Education. Primary and Secondary education is compulsory for all children. Further education is voluntary. There are different types of educational institutions: schools, colleges, universities and various courses. All children study at school from 5 to 16-18 years old. Then they go to work, to further

Wheeled and tracklaying tractors

Wheeled tractors occupy an important place on the farm as a source of power, and on many farms, they, together with trucks, have entirely displaced horses for farm work. An advantage of tractor power over the horse is that the tractor can be used continuously for heavy work. In addition to pulling implements like ploughs and cultivators, a wheeled tractor may be used with implements for bush clearing, ditch-filling

A) на одновременность действий с действием сказуемого

1. having removed 2. changing 3. being concentrated 4. having been heated 5. being examinedB) на предшествование действию сказуемого1. having proposed 2. being dried 3. having studied 4. being cooled 5. having being dissolvedC) на активное значение1. being melt 2. expanding 3. having treated 4. having been prepared 5. being describedD) пассивное

Задачи на проценты, округление

В1 Задачи на округление с недостаткомСырок стоит 7 рублей 20 копеек. Какое наибольшее число сырков можно купить на 60 рублей? Шоколадка стоит 35 рублей. В воскресенье в супермаркете действует специальное предложение: заплатив за две

Не is said to know six languages

Говорят, что он знает шесть языков. Не was said to know six languages. Говорили, что он знает шесть языков.Не is said to have gone to London.Говорят, что он уехал в Лондон.Не was said to have gone to London.Говорили, что он уехал в Лондон. Обратите внимание, что сказуемое

Aufgabe 3. Beantworten Sie die Fragen

1. Warum gurgeln Sie den Hals? 2. Warum haben Sie einen Arzt aufgesucht? 3. Warum haben Sie in der letzten Zeit so viel abgenommen? Aufgabe 4. Sagen Sie mit einem Wort. Gebrauchen Sie diese Wörter in den Sätzen. die Schmerzen im Kopf, im Bauch, in den Ohren, im Hals, im Magen, im Zahn Aufgabe 5. Bilden Sie kleine Dialoge. Gebrauchen Sie folgende Wörter und Wortverbindungen: Was fehlt Ihnen? Was tut