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На этой странице собрано около (~) 2777 публикаций, конспектов, лекций и других учебных материалов по направлению: Другие языки. Для удобства навигации можете воспользоваться навигацией внизу страницы.

Ex. 16. Change the statements according to the model.

Model: I don't work on Saturdays. — I used to work on Saturdays last year (when I was young...). 1. I never take a taxi to go to work. 2. I hardly ever watch TV now. 3. People do not very often go to the cinema today. 4. She is old and sick. 5. She has few close friends. 6. He doesn't read any papers. 7. He is always late for work. 8. We don't go out much nowadays. 9. Classes at school begin at nine. 10. My

Слово как грамматическая единица

В грамматическом отношении различие между словом английским и русским огромно, и именно здесь коренятся самые серьёзные трудности на пути к овладению английским языком. К сожалению, это глубокое различие между двумя языками

Модуль 2. Повседневное общение

Цель:Формирование речевых умений. Обучение монологической и диалогической речи. План: Чтение, перевод и обсуждение текстов по теме, драматизация диалогов. Монолог-высказывание. Знакомство с рекламными проспектами и сайтами

Exercise 2 Answer the following questions. 1. Under what circumstances can the moisture in this air condense into water in the fuel tank?

1. Under what circumstances can the moisture in this air condense into water in the fuel tank? 2. What system gets rid of the burned gases? 3. Why shouldn’t a driver run the engine m a closed garage? 4. What is used for protection against gas line icing? 5. Which gas is deadly? 6. How can a spark plug he used sometimes? 7. What is a normal color for the spark end of the plug? 8. Is the black color normal for the

Radar Guides Harbour Traffic

(1) A number of world’s larges ports have already installed radar systems in their harbours. Radars survey ship traffic in fog and bad weather. They are designed not only to assist ships entering and leaving the harbour during poor visibility, but also to provide continuous observation of shipping and give immediate information on the location of the ships in the harbour. (2) From a radio control room having the

Exercise 2 Answer the following questions. 1. What is the text about?

1. What is the text about? 2. How does the sun’s energy manifest itself? 3. When could useful energy from the sun be generated? 4. What is the most ancient of man’s activated processes? 5. Where does photo-electricity find its application? 6. When is the intensity of the sun’s rays at its maximum and when is it at its minimum? 7. What is the effective way to minimize the loss of energy from the heated surface?

Суффиксы -ish, -ist, -ward(s)

Суффикс -ishобразует глаголы и прилагательные. Примеры глаголов: to publish публиковать, to finish кончать, to establish устанавливать. Как суффикс прилагательного -ish входит в названия ряда национальностей: British британский, Spanish испанский, English

Стандартный глагол to invite — приглашать

ACTIVE VOICEI. Группа Indefinite Infinitive: to invite — приглашать, пригласить Present Past I invite I invited Я приглашаю Я пригласил he invites he invited we invite we invited you invite you invited they invite they invited Do I invite? Did I invite? I do not invite I did not invite Продолжение

Phonetic expressive means and devices

Alliteration (аллитерация), Assonance (ассонанс) Alliteration is a device based on repetition of the same or similar sounds at close distance, which makes speech more expressive. It is frequently used in idioms: blind as a bat; tit for tat ( = an eye for an eye); tit-bit (лако­мый кусочек); (It is) neck or nothing {пан или пропал); bag and baggage; last but not least;

Long-term Viability and Risks

In areas where there is long-term steam production, thermal plants can thrive and produce many megawatts of clean, renewable power. In these scenarios, plants quickly recoup initial costs. However, environmental factors can sometimes lead to a reduction in steam in a region, forcing companies to take the risk of potentially losing their investment. Lack of equipment or qualified personnel and the relative financial

Составьте предложения с модальными глаголами, расставив слова в нужном порядке. Переведите получившиеся предложения.

1. the party / Linda / to / come / might / tonight. 2. round / work / have to / farmers / the year / all. 3. you / not / hospital / noise / must / make / in. 4. the light / I / switch / may / on ? 5. your / look / could / passport / I / at ? 6. my / cook / can / quite / wife / well. 7. catch / last / able to / we / were / train / the. 8. not / jeans / you / must / wear / to / school. 9. didn’t / you / drink / have

Describing a country: the political system

Section ITHE POLITICAL SYSTEM OF GREAT BRITAIN Ex. 1 Pronunciation practice. Practice the pronunciation of the following words and word - combinations: monarchy, sovereign, legislative, executive, judiciary, to pass laws, to introduce a bill, to approve, to sign, to be in charge, the House of Commons, the House of Lords, the Commonwealth, Home Office. Text 1The State Structure of the UKPre-reading task: a) Answer

Переведите следующие слова и фразы.

ВариантПрочитайте и переведите текст.MY FLATWe live in a new 16-storeyed block of flats. It's situated in a very picturesque place. There's a big supermarket on the ground floor and it's very convenient to do everyday shopping. Our flat is on the fifth floor. It's very comfortable and well-planned. We have all modern conveniences, such as central heating, electricity, gas, cold and

Спряжение правильных глаголов

INDICATIVO comprare vendere finire partirePresenteio compr-o vend-o fin-isco part-o tucompr-i vend-i fin-isci part-i luicompr-a vend-e fin-isce part-e noi compr-iamo vendiamo fin-iamo part-iamo voicompr-ate vend-ete fin-ite part-ite loro compr-ano vend-ono fin-iscono part-onoImperfettoiocompr-avo vend-evo fm-ivo part-ivo tucompr-avi vend-evi fin-ivi part-ivi luicompr-ava vend-eva fin-iva part-iva noi compr-avamo

Отрицательная форма общих вопросов

Образуется при помощи частицыnot,которая ставится после подлежащего перед смысловым глаголом. Общие вопросы в отрицательной форме выражают удивление и соответствуют в русском языке вопросам, начинающимся с: разве? или неужели? Do

Методические указания по выполнению домашней контрольной работы

ДЛЯ СТУДЕНТОВ 2-ГО СЕМЕСТРА Для правильного выполнения задание, необходимо усвоить следующий грамматический материал: – причастие настоящего времени (Participle I); – времена групп Continuous; – причастие прошедшего времени (Participle II); –

Эта работа меня не интересует. Я хотел бы делать что-нибудь новое

8. Ты не сказал ничего смешного. Почему все смеются? aller chercher qn (qch) / venir chercher qn (qch) avoir raison / avoir tort; d'accord / entendu / ça y est XII. Заполните пропуски одним из выражений: aller chercher / venir chercher Aujourd'hui j'ai beaucoup à faire. Tout d'abord je dois ..... ..... du pain et des

Example of VHF conversation at sea.

-Colombo Pilot Station this is c/v CMA CGM KALAMATA.How do you read me?Over. -Yes.This is Colombo Pilot Station.Please change ch 06.Over. -Roger,change ch 06. -CMA CGM KALAMATA.This is Colombo PS.Over. -Yes,this is CMA CGM KALAMATA.I require a pilot.Over. -Pilot will be on board at 0700 local time in position 1 nm from Light buoy QA Pilot lader strbd from water.Over. -Colombo PS.This is CMA CGM KALAMATA.We are now 1