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Part 3. Conversational practice

Try your skills: Imagine you are іn one of these situations. Discuss things, make your own suggestions, put forward objections to other people's suggestions if you саn think about the reasons why they wouldn't work. 1. А department meeting. There is one item оn the agenda.Whether to begin the new series of experiments or not. There is а difference of opinions оn the matter. Are уоu for or against? Give your

Ширяева И.В. Разговорный английский в диалогах.€

Самостоятельная работа №2 Тема:«Мои друзья: чтение, перевод, выполнение упражнений» Цель:развитие навыков чтения и понимания английских текстов. Форма самостоятельной работы: работа с учебником для выполнения упражнений. План

The individual and society

It is obvious that any textbook on land use planning begins by posing the question, "What is land use planning about?" It is not a difficult problem to give a simple answer to this basic question. Land use planning or land surveying is a process of managing the use and development of land resources in a sustainable way. It is essentially a study of the methods in which land use planners apply their

Тексты для дополнительного чтения

(Oral Topics)ST FRIENDSFriendship plays a very important role in our life. People usually make friends when they go to the same school, work together or live nearby. It's difficult to ex­plain how two quite different persons make friends. You can have a lot of acquaintances but only a few true friends. It depends on many things. Among them are age, social status, mutual interests and sometimes personal qualities.

Существительное в качестве определения

Существительное + существительное; (определение + главное слово)Способы перевода существительных в функции определения Существительное переводится на русский язык прилагательным Перевод на русский язык существительным в

Упр. 437. Перефразируйте следующие пред-лоэкения, употребляя сложное подлежащее

E.g. It appeared that they had lost the way. They appeared to have lost the way. 1. It seems they know all about it. 2. It seems they have heard all about it. 3. It seemed that the discussion was coming to an end. 4. It seems that you don't approve of the idea. 5. It seemed that the house had not been lived in for a long time. 6. It appeared that he was losing patience. 7. It appeared that he had not heard what had

Read the following texts about four seasons. (Прочитайте следующие тексты о временах года.)

a) In winter, there is snow everywhere. The sun comes very late in the morning. It sets very early in the evening. It is dull and cloudy most of the day. When the sun shines, snow sparkles and icicles glitter. The wind is always cold. It is very chilly in February. Even the stars are not visible during the winter! b) In spring, the snow begins to melt. Streets get slushy with the melted snow. Grass starts showing

Listen to the following dialogues and read them in pairs.

Dialogue 1Shopkeeper Hello, can I help you? Customer Yes, I want one liter of milk, a loaf of bread, ten eggs and some cheese. Shopkeeper What kind of cheese do you want? Customer Cottage cheese; that one on the right. Shopkeeper OK, anything else? Customer Also, I want a kilo of tomatoes and a bunch of green onions. Shopkeeper That makes 120 rubles. How do you wish to pay? by cash or card? Customer By card.

Простые времена (Simple Tenses)

1.Утвердительная форма настоящего простого времени образуется от инфинитива смыслового глагола без частицы to. В третьем лице единственного числа глаголы принимают окончание -s или -es: e.g. We study physics. - Мы изучаем физику. He plays football. -

Легко распознаваемыe и произносимые согласные звуки

Е.А. ЖариковаНачальный курсАнглийского языка для взрослыхУчебно-методическое пособиеДля студентов неязыковых вузов Часть I Муром УДК 811.111 (075.8) ББК 81.2 Англ-2Ж 34Рецензенты: Кафедра иностранных языков Ивановского филиала

The anthem of the European Union

The melody comes from the Ninth Symphony composed in 1823 by Ludwig Van Beethoven. In 1985, it was adopted by the EU heads of State and government as the official anthem of the European Union. In 1972, the Council of Europe (the same body that designed the European flag) adopted Beethoven's "Ode to Joy" theme as its own anthem. The well-known conductor Herbert Von Karajan was asked to write three

Я восхищаюсь Эйфелевой башней, пройдем еще раз возле нее

3. Мы остановились перед дверью этого старого дома и подумали: "Кто жил за этой дверью 100 лет тому назад?" 4. Позади их дома – большой парк, а перед домом – маленькая улица. 5. Далеко ли отсюда Сорбонна? - Нет, она совсем рядом. 6.

Discussion on the given topics.

Prep for the Top 10 Interview Questions1.What Are Your Weaknesses? This is the most dreaded question of all. Handle it by minimizing your weakness and emphasizing your strengths. Stay away from personal qualities and concentrate on professional traits: "I am always working on improving my communication skills to be a more effective presenter. I recently joined Toastmasters, which I find very helpful."

Review questions and tasks. 1. What groups of English vowels may be distinguished according to the stability of articulation?

1. What groups of English vowels may be distinguished according to the stability of articulation? 2. Enumerate all the diphthongs. How are they pronounced? Describe their structure. 3. State the difference between centring and closing diphthongs. 4. What are triphthongs? 5. Are there any diphthongs in the Russian language? 6. What should one do to pronounce English diphthongs correctly? 7. Group the following words

Aufgabe 20. Lesen Sie folgende Dialoge

- Ich habe große Schmerzen. - Wo tut es Ihnen weh? - Mir tut mein Magen weh. - Zeigen Sie mir bitte, wo genau. - Hier. - Das muss ich näher untersuchen. Wir machen eine Ultraschalluntersuchung. Ich überweise Sie zum Spezialisten. - Stellen Sie mir bitte ein Attest für meinen Arbeitgeber aus? - Das macht meine Sprechstundenhilfe. In einer Woche kommen Sie bitte zur Kontrolle. Wenn es Ihnen

Найдите в каждом ряду синоним для выделенного слова

по образцу:1-d 1)to wisha) to work b) to go c) to move d) to want 2)plenty ofa) much b) little c) enough d) few 3)to make a) to choose b) to do c) to win d) to wish 4)to believe a) to respect b) to deserve c) to consider d) to wish 5)to come backa) to leave b) to return c) to retreat d) to invent 6)to care about a) to use b) to worry c) to provide d) to call about 2.8. Образуйте с помощью

Forgave[fa'geiv] см. Forgive

forget (forgot, for­gotten)v забывать forgetful а забыв­чивый forgive (forgave, forgiven)v прощатьForgiven см. forgiveForgot см. forgetForgotten см. forgetfork n вилка Forsyte Saga „Сага о Форсайтах" fortifications n укрепления, фортифика­ции fortnight n две не­дели fortune п состоя­ние; удача;