Г) Нереализованное условие в прошлом

Нереализованное, не соответствующее действительности предположение в отношении прошлого выражается: а) в условии - Past Perfect; б) в заключении - should, would, could или might плюс Infinitive Perfect (урок 22):

If you had given me more time, I should have made a better report Если бы дали мне больше времени, я бы сделал доклад лучше (но вы мне дали мало времени, и я сделал неважный доклад).
If they had mentioned this yesterday, everything would have been done. Если бы они упомянули об этом вчера, все было бы уже сделано (но они не упомянули, и ничего еде дано не было).

Бессоюзные подчинение условных предложений

Условные предложения могут присоединяться к главному и без союза. Это возможно только при наличии вспомогательного глагола, который в таком случае ставится на первое место, Например:

If I had know it before ... Если бы я знал об этом раньше (но я не знал)...
Had I known it before ...
If I were less tired... Если бы я был менее усталым (но я очень устал)...
Were I less tired...

Основная трудность распознавания типов условных предложений состоит в следующем: в английском языке мы имеем разные формы для того, что по-русски мы выражаем одинаково. Возьмем русское предложение: Если бы я выиграл много денег, я бы купил автомобиль. Не зная обстановки, в которой сказаны эти слова, вы не сможете точно определить, выражает ли говорящий предположение о будущем или излагает несбывшееся условие в прошлом. Это предложение можно истолковать двояко: 1) если я когда-либо выиграю много денег, я куплю автомобиль (предположение о будущем); 2) если бы я выиграл, я бы купил автомобиль (но я не выиграл и поэтому не купил).

По-английски же эти две мысли выражаются по-разному. Первая мысль выражается условным предложением типа Б, рассмотренным выше:

If I won I would (should) buy a car.
If I should win
If I were to win
Should I win
Were I to win

Нереализованное условие в прошлом выражается предложением типа:

If I had won a lot of money, I should have bought a car. Если бы я выиграл ..., я бы купил ... (но я не выиграл).

Мы разобрали основные типы условных предложений, но в литературе могут встречаться и сочетания этих типов.

Прочтите и переведите:

Тип A:

If you need a dictionary, go to the library. I shall go immediately unless you want me to wait. We shall wait here if you don't mind. If he was ill, why didn't he lie down? I can conduct the observation provided you help me. If I find that letter, I shall show it to you. If I meet him, I shall invite him. If the children are Playing quietly, don't disturb them.

Тип Б:

If I met him again, I could ask him about it. Do you think he would be angry if I asked him to help me? Would they come, if we invited them? Should it be necessary, we could make another test. If he should ask you, tell him no news been received.

Тип В:

If he were older, he could take that job. If I were you, I should make another experiment. He couldn't translate that story even if he tried. If they knew the answer, the teacher would be happy. If John were there, I should immediately go to him. If I knew his native language, I should answer him.

Тип Г:

If we had known about your experiments, the letter would not have been sent. Had the road been better, we should not have been late. If John had been here, we should have asked him. Had I known his native language, I should have answered him.

Упражнение в чтении

Прочтите первый абзац данного ниже текста, установите правильное чтение каждого слова. Соединенные дружками слова должны читаться слитно; Например a_claim [q'kleim], of_land [qv'lxnd].


Прочтите и переведите текст. Новые слова.




A_claim was a_piece of_land a_few feet square. Each man was_allowed to_have only one. There he_might work as._long as_fe_wished. No_one dared to_work upon_another's claim. If he_tried to_do so, he_was brought before a_rough court of_miners and severely punished.

Each miner had his own tent or cabin and had to do his own cooking, or sometimes two lived together. The only cooking implements were frying-pan and coffee-pot. In the early days there were few women or children at the mines.

At the camps the only amusements provided (1) were drinking and gambling.

It was a rough life. The men had to go armed to protect themselves. Fighting was common (2), and men were often killed.

After the first year few of gold-diggers became rich. The gold that lay an the top of the ground or near the surface had been dug out, and the men had no machinery for deep digging. Many grew discouraged and turned to other work. When gold first discovered, the small towns in California were quickly emptied of people. But soon it was found that men could often make more money (3) in the towns that they could in the mines.

The owns were made up mainly of canvas tents, which were used as hotels, and gambling houses. The streets were always deep in dust or mud. When these grew so bad that men were drowned by falling into pools of water, and horses sank out of sight (4) in the mud, the townspeople at last had to cover them with planks laid side by side (5).

California drew up its own constitution and was admitted later to the Union as a state (6). The first great gold rush was soon over.

После этого текста, рассказывающего об истории горнорудного дела в США, прочтите статью о современных условиях работы американских горняков.

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