Ex. 4 Grammar focus 7. Simple Tenses (Passive Voice).


Present Past Future
am, is, are + V Ex. 4 Grammar focus 7. Simple Tenses (Passive Voice). - student2.ru I am often asked about it. Меня часто спрашивают об этом. Are you often asked about it? Yes, I am. Вас часто спрашивают об этом? Да. I am not often asked about it. Меня не часто спрашивают об этом. was, were + V Ex. 4 Grammar focus 7. Simple Tenses (Passive Voice). - student2.ru I was asked about it yesterday. Меня спрашивали об этом вчера. Were you asked about it yesterday? Yes, I was. Вас спрашивали об этом вчера? Да. I was not (wasn’t) asked about it yesterday. Меня не спрашивали об этом вчера. will be + V Ex. 4 Grammar focus 7. Simple Tenses (Passive Voice). - student2.ru I will be asked about it tomorrow. Меня спросят об этом завтра. Will they be asked about it tomorrow? Yes, they will. Их спросят об этом завтра? Да. They will not (won’t) be asked about it. Их не спросят об этом.

b) Read the sentences and identify the underlined tense-forms. Pay attention to the usage of Passive Voice.

Model: The academic year at Oxford University runs from October to June. (runs-Present Simple Active).

1. The Ural State Law Academy was founded in 1931.

2. The academic year is divided into 2 terms.

3. After graduating from our Academy the graduates will receive Bachelor’s degrees if they complete a four-year program successfully.

4. The Academy trains judges, prosecutors, jurisconsults, customs officials and other lawyers.

5. During the academic year the students are given lectures on different subjects.

6. At the end of the semester the students will have tests and exams.

7. The students who will complete a six-year program will be awarded master’s degree.

Ex. 5 Choose the correct grammar form of the verb.

1. Students (provide / are provided) with hostels, well-equipped laboratories and libraries.

2. The student’s progress (evaluates / is evaluated) by means of tests and examinations in each course.

3. Theory is usually (accompanies / accompanied) by practical training.

4. The programmes are (elaborated / elaborate) in accordance with the State Educational Standards.

5. The Bachelor’s Degree (awards / is awarded) after successful completion of 4 years’ full-time study.

6. Citizens of Russia have the right to education which (guarantees / is guaranteed) by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

7. The academic year at Oxford University (divides / is divided) into three terms.

Ex. 6 Make the sentences negative.

Model: They will translate this text in class. They will not (won’t) translate this text in class.

1. She liked to work in the evenings.

2. They finished their experiment yesterday.

3. He often works at the English laboratory.

4. The students attend lectures and seminars every day.

5. They will go on vacation to the Crimea.

Ex. 7Put wh-questions to the words given in bold type.

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