Choose the correct word in each of the following sentences

Английский язык, 5-6 классы

Задания для участника

LISTENING-7 баллов

Part 1 (10 minutes)

Task 1

You will hear a conversation between a woman and Matt. What is each person in Matt’s family reading? For questions 1–7cross out the wrong answer in the table. You will hear the recording twice.

mum textbook story
dad website email
brother exam message
sister address book texts
uncle magazine newspaper
cousin comic birthday card
grandfather CD instructions

READING – 9 баллов

Task 1

Read the text and complete the gaps 8–13with phrases a–f.

a)goodbye to the old year

b)to take more exercise

c)of the Roman New Year

d)and look forward to the future

e)and at different time of the year

f)bread, money and coal

Different countries celebrate New Year in different ways – (8)______________! The Chinese New Year is in late January or February, the Jewish New Year is in the autumn, and most Indian people celebrate New Year in the spring. But in many parts of the world, 1 January is New Year’s Day. This is the original date (9)__________ . Although the new year starts on 1 January in many countries, it starts at different times because of international time zones; for example, the new year in Australia starts ten hours earlier than in Britain.

People all over the world have parties on 31 December, New Year’s Eve. At midnight, they hold hands and sing Auld Lang Syne. The famous song, by the Scottish poet, Robert Burns, says we should remember the past (10)_____________ .

The Scottish have the best New Year celebrations in Britain, and New Year’s Eve has a special name in Scotland, Hogmanay. People celebrate with bonfires and fireworks, and in some towns they burn an old boat to say (11) ________________. Many people in Scotland go and visit their friends after midnight, early on 1 January. They believe that the first person who enters the home on New Year’s Day can bring good luck. This person should carry presents: (12) ______________, so the family are not hungry, poor or cold in the new year.

People everywhere have hopes for the new year, and some make a list of New Year resolutions: things they want to do better in future. For example, they promise to be tidier, to work harder (13) _____________. But sometimes their resolutions don’t last very long!

Task 2

Read the text and match questions 14–17below to the information under each heading a–d.

Who took part in the Clean-up Day?  
What’s the purpose of Clean-up Day?  
What plans do the pupils have?  
What activities did they do on Clean-up Day?  

Clean-up Day Ely Primary School, Year 6

A) When and why

On Saturday 19th May, Year 6 took part in the school’s first Clean-up Day. Our aim was to remove rubbish from the park on Grant Street.

B) Participants

Forty people took part, including all of Year 6, teachers from school and volunteer parents.

C) What we did

We met at the park at 9.00 am. The teachers provided us with bin bags. Everyone brought their own gloves. We filled eight bags in two hours!

D) Future activities

We are going to make Clean-up Day a regular event. If we advertise our activities, we may stop people from dropping rubbish. We are going to write to local officials to request more rubbish bins and “No Littering” signs in the park. If we work together, we will make Ely a nicer, cleaner place!

Use of English - 20 баллов

Choose the correct word in each of the following sentences

18. History is my favourite … , but today it wasn’t interesting.

A) lesson

B) subject

C) class

19. My primary school only has 300 … .

A) students

B) pupils

C) sportsmen

20. I didn’t have time … beds this morning.

A) to do

B) to make

C) to clean

21. Is there anything … you’d like me to tell you?

A) else

B) more

C) much

22. When we were in Spain last year, we … at a marvelous hotel.

A) stayed

B) stopped

C) lived

23. Does your husband ever offer you to do … ?

A) dishing

B) the washing-up

C) dishes

24. I hate doing the … , especially cleaning the windows.

A) lessons

B) homework

C) housework

25. Do you know how … it is from London to Manchester?

A) much

B) far

C) long

26. He is … his wife to drive.

A) learning

B) teaching

C) making

27. What time do you usually … ?

A) raise

B) rise

C) get up

Choose the correct answer

28. We haven’t got … money.

A) many

B) little

C) much

29. The clown with the red nose is … than the other clown.

A) funniest

B) funnier

C) funny

30. John usually goes to school by bus but today he … there.

A) walks

B) walk

C) is walking

31. My car is old. I … to buy a new car next week.

A) am go

B) going

C) am going

32. I always … music when I study.

A) listen to

B) listen at

C) listen

33. Do you like … TV?

A) watch

B) to look

C) watching

34. … any DVDs ? Yes, he has.

A) Does he have

B) Has got

C) Has he got

35. Where … last Saturday? I went out with Cindy.

A) did you went

B) do you go

C) did you go

36. … I borrow your Pen? Certainly.

A) Do

B) Can

C) Does

37. Ben has bought another stamp. He really likes collecting them, … ?

A) doesn’t he

B) isn’t he

C) does he

WRITING – 10 баллов

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