Глава 2. Параллельный и распределенный мозг

1 Galton F. (1879) Psychometric experiments. Brain. 2:149-162.

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6 См: Stamm J. S., Sperry R. W. (1957) Function of corpus callosum in contralateral transfer of somesthetic discrimination in cats. Journal of Comparative Physiological Psychology. 50 (2): 138-143; а также Glickstein M., Sperry R. W. (1960) Intermanual somesthetic transfer in split-brain rhesus monkeys. Journal of Comparative Physiological Psychology. 53 (4): 322-327.

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8 См.: Gazzaniga M. S. et al. (1962) Some functional effects of sectioning the cerebral commissures in man. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 48 (10): 1765-1769; Gazzaniga M.S. et al. (1963) Laterality e] fects in somesthesis following cerebral commissurotomy in man. Neu ropsychologia. 1: 209-215; Gazzaniga M. S. et al. (1965) Obser vations on visual perception after disconnection of the cerebral hem i spheres in man. Brain. 88: 221-236; а также Gazzaniga M.S., Sperry R. W. (1967) Language after section of the cerebral commis sures. Brain. 90:131-348.

9 Van Wagenen W. P, Herren R. Y. (1940) Surgical division of commissural pathways in the corpus callosum: relation to spread of an epileptic attack. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry. 44 (4): 740-759.

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12 Kutas M. et al. (1990) Late positive event-related potentials after commissural section in humans. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 2 (3): 258-271.

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14 См.: Nass R. D., Gazzaniga M. S. (1987) Cerebral late ralization and specialization in human central nervous system. In: Plum F. (ed.) Handbook of physiology (Sec. 1, V. 5, P. 701-761). Bethesda, MD: American Physiological Society; а также Zaidel E. (1990) Language functions in the two hemispheres following cerebral commissurotomy and hemispherectomy. In: Boiler F., Grafman J. (eds.) Handbook of neuropsychology (V. 4, P. 115-150). Amsterdam: Elsevier.

15 Gazzaniga M.S., Smylie C.S. (1990) Hemispheric mechanisms controlling voluntary and spontaneous facial expressions. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 2 (3): 239-245.

16 Sperry R. W. (1968) Hemisphere deconnection and unity in conscious awareness. American Psychologist. 23 (10): 723-733.

17 Gazzaniga M. S. (1972) One brain — two minds? American Scientist. 60 (3): 311-317.

18 Sutherland S. (1989) The international dictionary of psychology. NY: Continuum.

19 Mac Kay D. M. (1991) Behind the eye. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.

20 См.: Phelps E. A., Gazzaniga M.S. (1992) Hemispheric differences in mnemonic processing: the effects of left hemisphere interpretation. Neuropsychologia. 30 (3): 293-297; а также Metcalfe J. et al. (1995) Right-hemisphere memory superiority: studies of a split-brain patient. Psychological Science. 6 (3): 157-164.

21 Nelson M. E., Bower J. M. (1990) Brain maps and parallel computers. Trends in Neurosciences. 13 (10): 403-408.

22 Clarke D. D., Sokoloff L. (1999) Circulation and energy metabolism of the brain. In: Siegel G.J. et al. (eds.) Basic neurochemistry: molecular ; cellular and medical aspects (6th ed., P. 637-670). Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven.

23 Striedter G. (2005) Principles of brain evolution. Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates, Inc.

24 Chen B. L. et al. (2006) Wiring optimization can relate neuronal structure and function. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 103 (12): 4723-4728.

25 См.: Hilgetag С. C. et al. (2000) Anatomical connectivity defines the organization of clusters of cortical areas in the macaque monkey and the cat. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. B: Biological Sciences. 355 (1393): 91-110; Sporns O. et al. (2002) Theoretical neuroanatomy and the connectivity of the cerebral cortex. Behavioural Brain Research. 135 (1-2): 69-74; а также Sakata S. et al. (2005) Local design principles of mammalian cortical networks. Neuroscience Research. 51 (3): 309-315.

26 Watts D.J., Strogatz S. H. (1998) Collective dynamics of “small-world” networks. Nature. 393: 440-442.

27 См.: Gazzaniga M. S. (1989) Organization of the human brain. Science. 245 (4921): 947-952; а также Baynes K. et al. (1998) Modular organization of cognitive systems masked by inter hemispheric integration. Science. 280 (5365): 902-905.

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31 Varian H. R. (2007) Position auctions. International Journal of Industrial Organization. 25 (6): 1163-1178.

Глава 3. Интерпретатор

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