Промышленное и гражданское строительство»

Городское строительство и хозяйство»

Теплогазоснабжение и вентиляция»

Экспертиза и управление недвижимостью»

Защита в чрезвычайных ситуациях»

Автомобили и автомобильное хозяйство»

Организация и безопасность движения»

Технология машиностроения»

Пожарная безопасность»



Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение

высшего профессионального образования



к практическим занятиям по дисциплине

«Английский язык» (для самостоятельной работы)

для студентов специальности:

Промышленное и гражданское строительство»

Городское строительство и хозяйство»

Теплогазоснабжение и вентиляция»

Экспертиза и управление недвижимостью»

Защита в чрезвычайных ситуациях»

Автомобили и автомобильное хозяйство»

Организация и безопасность движения»

Технология машиностроения»

Пожарная безопасность»

Учебное пособие


Издательство СКФУ

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Кандидат филологич. наук, доцент,

заведующая кафедрой иностранных языков технических специальностей

Северо-Кавказского Федерального Университета

Митрофаненко Л.М.

Кандидат педагог. наук, доцент,

Северо-Кавказского Федерального Университета

Савелло Е.В.

Пахаренко С.В., Касьяненко Л.С.

Продукты питания и их стандартизация: ПРАКТИКУМ ПО АНГЛИЙСКОМУ ЯЗЫКУ / Касьяненко Л.С., Пахаренко С.В.

– Ставрополь : ФГАОУ ВПО «Северо-Кавказский федеральный университет» 2015. 61 –с.

Предлагаемое вашему вниманию учебное пособие (практикум) составлено в соответствии с государственным образовательным стандартом высшего профессионального образования, рабочим учебным планом и программой дисциплины «Иностранный язык» (для самостоятельной работы) для студентов специальности:

270102.65 - «Промышленное и гражданское строительство»

270105.65 - «Городское строительство и хозяйство»

270109.65 - «Теплогазоснабжение и вентиляция»

270115.65 - «Экспертиза и управление недвижимостью»

280103.65 - «Защита в чрезвычайных ситуациях»

190601.65 - «Автомобили и автомобильное хозяйство»

190702.65 - «Организация и безопасность движения»

151001.65 - «Технология машиностроения»

20.05.01 - «Пожарная безопасность»

Учебное пособие (практикум) на английском языке включает в себя тексты по специальности: 270102.65 - «Промышленное и гражданское строительство», 270105.65 - «Городское строительство и хозяйство»,270109.65 - «Теплогазоснабжение и вентиляция»,270115.65 - «Экспертиза и управление недвижимостью», 280103.65 - «Защита в чрезвычайных ситуациях»,190601.65 - «Автомобили и автомобильное хозяйство», 190702.65 - «Организация и безопасность движения»,151001.65 - «Технология машиностроения», 20.05.01 - «Пожарная безопасность» вопросы к текстам, проверочные упражнения для закрепления данного материала, терминологический словарь. Целью пособия является совершенствование навыков чтения текстов по специальности, отработка грамматических умений и навыков, а также накопление словарного запаса специальной лексики.

Учебное пособие (практикум) может быть использовано во время аудиторных занятий по английскому языку.

    © Касьяненко Л.С.,Пахаренко С.В. . 2015 © ФГАОУ ВПО «Северо-Кавказский федеральный университет», 2015г.

Введение (Introduction)

Стремительное развитие науки и техники, а также расширение экономических и культурных связей обусловило необходимость эффективного обмена информацией между всеми странами мирового сообщества. Английский язык традиционно считался языком торговли, политики, спорта и науки, но с появлением компьютером и всемирной сети Internet он приобрел статус поистине международного. Согласно статистическим данным, около 80 % Internet-сайтов и 75 % научной литературы написано на английском языке. Развитие строительства, промышленности, биотехнологии, а также разработка и внедрение новых методов производства создает спрос на специалистов, способных эффективно работать в любой стране. Поэтому современный специалист должен не только быть компетентным в своей области знаний, но и уметь получать знания и навыки путем ознакомления с новыми достижениями науки и техники во всем мире.

Данное учебное пособие призвано научить студента пользоваться общими и специальными словарями и справочниками при чтении и переводе научно-технической литературы. Благодаря упражнениям, приведенным после текстов, студент сможет усвоить базовые термины из своей области науки, выделить ключевые слова в тексте, закрепить старые и получить новые знания по грамматике, которые позволяют правильно строить высказывания на иностранном языке, а также научиться грамотно излагать содержание специального текста.


Самостоятельное занятие 1


Activity 1.1Read and translate the text. Try to understand it and be ready to answer the questions.



abnormal temperature – ненормальная температура

above-freezing specific heat – удельная теплоемкость/выше точки замерзания

absolute temperature scale – абсолютная температурная шкала

backing – обратная засыпка

backlog – незавершенная работа

back-pressure regulator – регулятор давления в испарителе

back-pressure turbine – турбина с противодавлением

back-pressure valve – защитный клапан испарителя

free standing air conditioning unit – напольная установка/кондиционирования воздуха

free thermal convection – теплоотдача/в условиях естественной конвекции

free water – свободная вода

free-air delivery – непосредственная подача воздуха

gas capacity – производительность/по газу

gas central heating – центральное газовое отопление

gas charge – паровое заполнение

gas cleaning – очистка/газа

heat accumulator – аккумулятор теплоты

heat anticipation – предупреждающее регулирование теплоты

heat balance – тепловой баланс

heat bridge – тепловой мостик

heat capacity – теплоемкость

heat conduction – теплопроводность

heat conductor – проводник теплоты

ignition circuit – цепь/зажигания

ignition electrode – электрод т зажигания

ignition plant – запальное устройство

joint member – элемент соединения

joint protection – защита/стыка

joint ring – соединительное кольцо

joint solderig – соединение паянием (пайкой)

joint valve – комбинированный вентиль

jointing compound – уплотнитель стыка

latent heat – скрытая теплота

latent heat load – нагрузка/по скрытой теплоте

latent heat loss – потери скрытой теплоты

nucleate boiling – пузырьковое кипение

nucleation – образование п пузырьков пара

number – число

number of bacteria (germs) – число бактерий (микробов)

number of revolutions – число оборотов

numerical control – цифровой контроль

spot air conditioner – местный кондиционер

spot cooling – местное охлаждение

spot of repture – место и поломки

spot welding – точечная сварка

spout – гильза

spray – разбрызгивать

temperature correction – температурная поправка

temperature depression – понижение температуры

temperature deviation – отклонение температуры

temperature difference (TD) – разность температур

vapor jet cycle – пароструйный цикл

vapor lock – паровая пробка

vapor lock device – капиллярная трубка

vapor quality – качество и пара

vapor refrigerating system – паровая холодильная установка

waste-water refrigerating plant – установка для охлаждения сточных вод

watch dog timer – внутренний электронный таймер [компьютерный]

water – вода

water circulation – циркуляция воды

water absorption – водопоглощение

water analysis – анализ воды

zone of incandescence – зона горения


Besides masonry, a brick work, any engineer must know about heating and ventilation. They are two branches of engineering which are very closely connected. Both they are treated as a dual subject. Heating is to prevent too rapid loss of heat from the body. The rate of heat lost from the body is controlled. Some old concepts of heating have been gradually changed since engineers obtained more precise knowledge about how the body loses heat. Insufficient attention was paid formerly to loss by radiation, which is the transmission of energy in the form of waves from a body to surrounding bodies at a temperature. The human being also loses heat by conduction (through his clothes) and convection.

The most widely used system of heating is the central heating.

There are two most common systems of heating: hot water and steam. There the fuel is burned in one place, from which steam, hot water or warm air is distributed to adjacent and remote spaces to be heated.

Both systems are widely used nowadays. A hot-water system consists of the boilers and a system of pipes connected to radiators suitably located in the rooms. The steel or copper pipes give hot water to radiators or convectors which give up their heat to the rooms. Then cooled water is returned to the boiler for reheating.

As for steam systems, steam is usually generated. The steam is led to the radiators through or by means of steel or copper pipes. The steam gives up its heat to the radiators and the radiators to the room. After this cooling of the steam condenses to water. The condensate is returned to the boiler by gravity or by a pump. The air valve on each radiator is necessary for air to escape. Otherwise it would prevent steam from entering the radiator.

But, to do comfortable atmosphere is to use heating and ventilation together. Heating and ventilation are concerned with providing a required atmospheric environment within a space to produce a desired temperature for comfort. Nowadays air-conditioning is closely related to both heating and ventilation.

We have mentioned about building materials as one of the components of building. It is high time to tell about them. It is important for an engineer to know that all building materials are used in two basic ways. In the first way they are used to support the loads on a building and in the second way they are used to divide the space in a building. But it is more important to realize that building components are made from building materials.

1. The first type of a construction is made of building materials such as a brick, a stone or concrete. They are called blocks. The blocks arc put together to form solid walls. These materials are heavy. They can support the structural loads because they have the property of high compressive strength. At the same time the walls made up of blocks support the building and divide the space in the building.

2. The second type of a construction is made of sheet materials.

Timber, concrete and some plastics can be made into large rigid sheets and fixed together to form a building. Such kind of buildings is lighter and faster to construct than a building made up of blocks.

3. The third type of a construction is made of rod materials. They can be used for structural support but not for dividing spaces. There timber, steel and concrete can be formed into rods. Usually rod materials are used as columns because of high tensile and compressive strength. On the other hand, they can be fixed together to form framed structures. The spaces between the rods can be filled with light sheet materials.

Building materials are very important in the construction. But it is more important for any designer to select and adapt such building materials of construction that will give the most effective result by the most economical means. In this choice of materials for any work of constructions many factors must be considered by the civil engineer. These factors include availability(13), cost, physical properties of materials and others.

Practically, all buildings materials have their advantages and disadvantages. That's why some materials are used most widely in building construction for the purpose of binding together masonry units. Among them are lime, gypsum and cement. Last material forms very important elements in all masonry structures, such as stone, a brick.

Since the time of its introduction a gradual improvement of Portland cement quality has led to the elaboration of rapid hardening Portland cement.

So, cement is the most important component of concrete. Concrete is even less uniform than many other materials. Concrete may be considered an artificial conglomerate of "crushed stone, gravel or similar inert material with a mortar".

One of the building materials used in a construction is a brick. The production of a brick was industrialized in the 19th century. Earlier it was a process of hand-molding. Later it was superseded by «pressed» bricks. It was a mass production by a mechanical extrusion process. In this way clay was squeezed through a rectangular die as a continuous column and sliced to size by a wire cutter. Bricks were moved slowly on a conveyor belt. New methods considerably reduced the cost of a brick. That's why it became one of the constituent building materials of the age.

Rapid development of timber technology was in the I9th century in North America. It was explained large softwood fir's forests and pine trees. There they were used as industrial methods. Steam- and water-powered sawmills began producing standard timbers in the 1820s.

It provided other necessary ingredient — a balloon frame. That made possible a major innovation in building construction. The first example was a warehouse erected in Chicago in 1832 by George W. Snow. There was a great demand for small buildings of all types settled on North American continent.

Among the oldest and newest of structural materials are composite materials. It was discovered many years ago that two or more materials could be used together as one. Later it was proved that such a combination often behaved better than each material alone. Following this principle, clay and straw were combined to make bricks. For centuries composite materials remained virtually untapped. Only then monolithic materials, such as iron, copper were served for needs of an advancing technology. Recently it was a development of technology with coming of reinforced concrete, linoleum and plywood panels.

All cultures have their own traditions. That's why it is important to know about them. Of cause, architecture has its own history. There are a lot of different kinds of architectural styles, describing some features of every country. For example, red brick buildings of old Petersburg factories, grey Ferro-concrete cases of industrial giants tell us about Soviet epoch. But, today they look old-fashioned. Besides external unattractiveness, these constructions of the last centuries have lacks. They are internal narrowness, conditions of communications in these buildings. In particular, because of these lacks it is impossible to organize a modern competitive manufacture. The majority of the companies do not prefer building of new constructions, using the most perspective materials and technologies, including an easy metallic construction (LMC).

Let's tell some words about a basic fast construction for buildings. It is a metal skeleton. There metal vertical racks and horizontal crossbar with the help bolt connections gather in cross-section frames. The cross-section frames are a system of extensions or communications, giving to design settlement durability fastens. Then it is established roofing, wall runs, frames under windows, doors. Any engineer may say that a bearing skeleton is ready. Further it is possible to use any facing.

It can be Ferro-concrete, bricklaying, special panels such as "sandwich", any combinations of the specified designs.

It is necessary to tell some words about panels such as "sandwich". Every panel consists of two sheets of the zinced iron between which a special heater is placed. The design has no internal skeleton.

It is very important for a future skilled engineer to remember about a distinctive feature such as "fast". It is a high degree of a factory's readiness to complete the building. All details, delivered to a building site, are made at a factory with their obligatory test characteristics of strong. On a building site all elements of a design are gathered with the help bolt connections.

The scope of fast metallic construction is very wide. For example, metallic construction is not used at construction of buildings in which nuclear reactors will place, or bank storehouses. There walls' and roofing designs should possess raised isolation properties. It is not accepted to use them. Practically, fast metallic constructions are used at the construction of any industrial targets, warehouses, sports complexes. Recently fast construction designs are used in the market. This process does metallic construction attractive in the field of trading constructions.

Every construction has its own advantages and disadvantages. Advantages of a fast metallic construction are obvious. A cost of a building from a metallic construction is 30-40 % less, than on construction of a similar building, using traditional materials.

Naturally, the given statement is correct only under condition of the certain identity of quality of external and internal furnishing. For example, the building constructed from the cheapest brick without additional external furnishing, will be cheaper than a construction from a fast metallic construction with a facade trimmed with dark glass.

The essential economy, while using a metallic construction, is reached to decrease in expenses of a zero cycle approximately on 50 %. Today a fast metallic construction is a leader among all building designs, first of all, because of its low price.

Various materials are used as a solution for fastening. It was so a long ago. Sometimes in Mesopotamia (modern Iraq) masters applied resin substance - bitumen. Egyptians used plaster (sulfate of calcium). Greeks and Romans originally worked with oxide calcium.

But the limy solution was easily washed away by a rain. Subsequently Greeks and Romans took more durable cement mortal on arms -a mix to exhaust, sand and Volcanic ashes. Later Romans began to add to it gravel for reception of concrete.

Greeks continued building of integral blocks of a stone or marble. One more major landmark became manufacturing bricks in the furnace for roasting at high temperatures. So it was received stronger and more durable material.

But Romans used only thin layers of these materials for facing concrete designs.

Besides dwellings, builders could erect majestic palaces, temples and monuments. They also decorated with their decorative stone lying.

Many things are made by metal tools. Metal tools allow cutting, squaring and polishing a stone. Metal tools such as an axe, a saw, builders used many years ago. Also they had an opportunity to use available materials more widely. Now they could cut the big trees and split them and bars.

Many new materials are familiar to us over centuries. We are pretty well acquainted with the advantages and disadvantages of wood. We know that glass is transparent, but in some ways it is rather brittle. Glass has the advantages of cheapness, rigidity and chemical inertness. We are aware that most metals can stand severe handling, but some of them rust.

But such materials as plastic materials are not found in nature. Some years ago plastics were little more than laboratory curiosities. Today plastics are conceiver in the laboratory of the chemical plant. But plastic is formed by extrusion or injection molding under very high pressure. It can be molded into any desired shape. Organic plastics are divided into two general groups: thermosetting and thermoplastic. The thermosetting group becomes rigid through a chemical change that occurs when heat is applied. These plastics cannot be remolded.

The thermoplastic group remains soft at high temperatures and must be cooled before becoming rigid. This group is not used generally as a structural material.

Plastics are rapidly becoming important construction materials because of their great variety, strength, durability and lightness. The high strength to weight ratio of some plastics offers big field in the coming age of space travels and rockets.Plastics are light. The same benefits of light weight coupled with good strength and absence of corrosion offer tremendous potential as alternatives to traditional building materials. A given volume of polythene weights less than one-eighth of an equal volume of iron and less then half of the same volume of aluminum. The following characteristics of plastics are usually shared by all plastics: lightweight, corrosion resistance, electrical and thermal insulation, ease of fabrication, ease of coloring and economy of production.

Activity 2.2 Questions:

1. What is a system of heating-hot?

2. How does it work?

3. How many boilers do in panel heating enter?

4. Which system of heating is the most widely used?

Самостоятельное занятие 2


Activity 2.1Read and translate the text. Try to understand it and be ready to answer the questions.



light – свет

shadow – тень

drawing – чертеж

technical characteristics – технические характеристики

strength – прочность

ornament – орнамент

wood farm – деревянная ферма

roof – кровля

a structural iron – структурное железо

steel – сталь

structure – структура
environmentally friendly – экологически чистый
heating – отопление
cooling – охлаждение
water supply – водоснабжение
recycling – утилизация отходов
lighting – освещение


Architecture is both the process and product of planning, designing and construction. Architectural works, in the material form of buildings, are often perceived as cultural symbols and as works of art. Historical civilizations are often identified with their surviving architectural achievements.

"Architecture" can mean:

§ The art and science of design and erecting buildings and other physical structures.

§ A general term to describe buildings and other infrastructures.

§ A style and method of design and construction of buildings and other physical structures.

§ The practice of an architect, where architecture means to offer or render professional services in connection with the design and construction of a building, or group of buildings and the space within the site surrounding the buildings, that have as their principal purpose human occupancy or use.

§ Design activity, from the macro-level (urban design, landscape architecture) to the micro-level (construction details and furniture).

§ The term "architecture" has been adopted to describe the activity of designing any kind of system, and is commonly used in describing information.

In relation to buildings, architecture has to do with the planning, designing and constructing form, space and ambience that reflect functional, technical, social, environmental, and aesthetic considerations. It requires the creative manipulation and coordination of material, technology, light and shadow. Architecture also encompasses the pragmatic aspects of realizing buildings and structures, including scheduling, cost estimating and construction administration. As documentation produced by architects, typically drawings, plans and technical specifications, architecture defines the structure and/or behavior of a building or any other kind of system that is to be or has been constructed.

Historic treatises

The earliest surviving written work on the subject of architecture is De architectura, by the Roman architect Vitruvius in the early 1st century CE. According to Vitruvius, a good building should satisfy the three principles of firmitas, utilitas, venustas, which translate roughly as –

§ Durability – it should stand up robustly and remain in good condition.

§ Utility – it should be useful and function well for the people using it

§ Beauty – it should delight people and raise their spirits.

According to Vitruvius, the architect should strive to fulfill each of these three attributes as well as possible. Leone Battista Alberti, who elaborates on the ideas of Vitruvius in his treatise, De Re Aedificatoria, saw beauty primarily as a matter of proportion, although ornament also played a part. For Alberti, the rules of proportion were those that governed the idealised human figure, the Golden mean. The most important aspect of beauty was therefore an inherent part of an object, rather than something applied superficially; and was based on universal, recognisable truths. The notion of style in the arts was not developed until the 16th century, with the writing of Vasari. The treatises, by the 18th century, had been translated into Italian, French, Spanish and English. (The Parthenon, Athens, Greece, "the supreme example among architectural sites."(Fletcher))

The analysis of building types provides an insight into past cultures and eras. Behind each of the greater styles lies not a casual trend nor a vogue, but a period of serious and urgent experimentation directed toward answering the needs of a specific way of life. Climate, methods of labor, available materials, and economy of means all impose their dictates. Each of the greater styles has been aided by the discovery of new construction methods. Once developed, a method survives tenaciously, giving way only when social changes or new building techniques have reduced it. That evolutionary process is exemplified by the history of modern architecture, which developed from the first uses of structural iron and steel in the mid-19th cent.

Until the 20th cent. there were three great developments in architectural construction—the post-and-lintel, or trabeated, system; the arch system, either the cohesive type, employing plastic materials hardening into a homogeneous mass, or the thrust type, in which the loads are received and counterbalanced at definite points; and the modern steel-skeleton system. In the 20th cent. new forms of building have been devised, with the use of reinforced concrete and the development of geodesic and stressed-skin (light material, reinforced) structures.

Architecture of the Ancient World

In Egyptian architecture, to which belong some of the earliest extant structures to be called architecture (erected by the Egyptians before 3000 BC), the post-and-lintel system was employed exclusively and produced the earliest stone columnar buildings in history. The architecture of W Asia from the same era employed the same system; however, arched construction was also known and used. The Chaldaeans and Assyrians, dependent upon clay as their chief material, built vaulted roofs of damp mud bricks that adhered to form a solid shell.

After generations of experimentation with buildings of limited variety the Greeks gave to the simple post-and-lintel system the purest, most perfect expression it was to attain (see Parthenon ; orders of architecture). Roman architecture, borrowing and combining the columns of Greece and the arches of Asia, produced a wide variety of monumental buildings throughout the Western world. Their momentous invention of concrete enabled the imperial builders to exploit successfully the vault construction of W Asia and to cover vast unbroken floor spaces with great vaults and domes, as in the rebuilt Pantheon (2d cent. AD; see under pantheon).

The Evolution of Styles in the Christian Era

The Romans and the early Christians also used the wooden truss for roofing the wide spans of their basilica halls. Neither Greek, Chinese, nor Japanese architecture used the vault system of construction. However, in the Asian division of the Roman Empire, vault development continued; Byzantine architects experimented with new principles and developed the pendentive, used brilliantly in the 6th cent. for the Church of Hagia Sophia in Constantinople.

The Romanesque architecture of the early Middle Ages was notable for strong, simple, massive forms and vaults executed in cut stone. In Lombard Romanesque (11th cent.) the Byzantine concentration of vault thrusts was improved by the device of ribs and of piers to support them. The idea of an organic supporting and buttressing skeleton of masonry (see buttress), here appearing in embryo, became the vitalizing aim of the medieval builders. In 13th-century Gothic architecture it emerged in perfected form, as in the Amiens and Chartres cathedrals.

The birth of Renaissance architecture (15th cent.) inaugurated a period of several hundred years in Western architecture during which the multiple and complex buildings of the modern world began to emerge, while at the same time no new and compelling structural conceptions appeared. The forms and ornaments of Roman antiquity were resuscitated again and again and were ordered into numberless new combinations, and structure served chiefly as a convenient tool for attaining these effects. The complex, highly decorated baroque style was the chief manifestation of the 17th-century architectural aesthetic. The Georgian style was among architecture's notable 18th-century expressions (see Georgian architecture ). The first half of the 19th cent. was given over to the classic revival and the Gothic revival.

New World, New Architectures

The architects of the later 19th cent. found themselves in a world being reshaped by science, industry, and speed. A new eclecticism arose, such as the architecture based on the Ecole des Beaux-Arts , and what is commonly called Victorian architecture in Britain and the United States. The needs of a new society pressed them, while steel, reinforced concrete, and electricity were among the many new technical means at their disposal.

The great 19th century architect of skyscrapers, Louis Sullivan, promoted an overriding precept to architectural design: "Form follows function". That evolutionary process is exemplified by the history of modern architecture, which developed from the first uses of structural iron and steel in the mid-19th cent.

After more than a half-century of assimilation and experimentation, modern architecture, often called the International style, produced an astonishing variety of daring and original buildings, often steel substructures sheathed in glass. The Bauhaus was a strong influence on modern architecture. As the line between architecture and engineering became a shadow, 20th-century architecture often approached engineering, and modern works of engineering—airplane hangars, for example—often aimed at and achieved an undeniable beauty. More recently, postmodern architecture, which exploits and expands the technical innovations of modernism while often incorporating stylistic elements from other architectural styles or periods, has become an international movement. To satisfy the contemporary ethos a building should be constructed in a manner which is environmentally friendly in terms of the production of its materials, its impact upon the natural and built environment of its surrounding area and the demands that it makes upon non-sustainable power sources for heating, cooling, water and waste management and lighting. ( The National Congress of Brazil, designed by Oscar Niemeyer, Apartment house Rosenstein, the architect AE Belogrud ploschpdi to the Bishopsin St. Petersburg (now the area of Leo Tolstoy) ).

Activity 2.2 Questions:

1. Is architecture important?

2. What the three principles should satisfy a good building?

3. How to develop the architecture in the Renaissance?

4. How the evolutionary process as an example the history of modern architecture that is designed from the first use of structural iron and steel in the mid-19th century?

5. Who had a strong influence on modern architecture?

Самостоятельное занятие 3


Activity 3.1Read and translate the text. Try to understand it and be ready to answer the questions.

Main building materials


strained reinforced concrete напряжённый железобетон
artificial искусственный
knitting materials вяжущие материалы
solubility растворимость
corrosion firmness коррозионная стойкость
firmness against rotting стойкость против гниения
density плотность
porosity пористость
rigidity жёсткость

Main building materials

Main building materials – materials for construction of buildings and constructions. From the beginning of industrial revolution along with "old" materials as wood and a brick appeared new building materials as concrete, steel, glass and plastic. Nowadays the strained reinforced concrete and metal plastic are widely used.

In the process of construction, operation and repairing of buildings and constructions building products and designs from which they are erected are exposed to various physic mechanical, physical and technological impacts. The civil engineer is required to choose correctly a material, products or a design which possesses sufficient firmness, reliability and durability for specific conditions.

Building materials and products applied at construction, reconstruction and repairing of various buildings and constructions, share on

· the natural

· the artificial

Main types of building materials and products

· stone natural building materials and products from them

· knitting materials inorganic and organic

· wood materials and products from them

· metal products

Properties of construction materials and products classify on four main groups:


· mechanical,

· chemical,

· technological.

To the chemical refer an ability of materials to resist to action of chemically hostile environment, exchange reactions causing in them bringing to destruction of materials, changing of the initial properties: solubility, corrosion firmness, firmness against rotting.

Physical properties: average, bulk, real and relative density; porosity, humidity, heat conductivity.

Mechanical properties: strength at compression, stretching, bending, shifting, elasticity, plasticity, rigidity, hardness.

Technological properties: heat stability, melting, speed of hardening and drying.

Activity 3.2 Questions:

1. What new building materials appeared from the beginning of industrial revolution?

2. What is civil engineer required?

3. What types of building materials and products can you name?

4. How many properties of construction materials and products are there?

Самостоятельное занятие 4


Activity 4.1Read and translate the text. Try to understand it and be ready to answer the questions.

Building project


field – область

civil – гражданский

far – далеко

multitasking – многозадачность

unique – уникальный

however – тем не менее

litigation – судебный процесс

privately – в частном порядке

dictate – диктовать

square – площадь

residentia – жилой

assembling – монтаж

involved – вовлеченный

supervised – надзор

execution – выполнение

logistics – логистика

inconvenience – неудобство

delays – задержки

relatively – относительно

petroleum – нефть

estimating – оценки

undesirable – нежелательный

negotiated price – цена договорная

bathroom – ванная комната

tradespeople – торговцев

impact – влияние

dramatically – драматично

ensure – обеспечивать

cost overrun – перерасход

Building project

In the fields of architecture and civil engineering, construction is a process that consists of the building or assembling of infrastructure. Far from being a single activity, large scale construction is a feat of human multitasking. Normally, the job is managed by a project manager, and supervised by a construction manager, design engineer, construction engineer or project architect.

For the successful execution of a project, effective planning is essential. involved with the design and execution of the infrastructure in question must consider the environmental impact of the job, the successful scheduling, budgeting, construction site safety, availability of building materials, logistics, inconvenience to the public caused by construction delays and bidding, etc.

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